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Drug-rapes - Taranaki Hysteria December 2006


Newstalk ZB
December 14 2006; 12:36

Concern about drug-rape figures

The country's drug-rape problem could be much worse than first thought.

Earlier this month nine women in Taranaki came forward to say they had been drug-raped between November 30 and December 3. Now Hawera Rape Crisis says 23 other women from around the country have reported they too have been drug-raped.

Taranaki Safer Centre spokeswoman Lorraine Jans says some of the complaints are historical, but she says it is an indication that what the authorities know of the problem might just be the tip of the iceberg.

She says it is a huge concern, but it is not known if it is the same people perpetrating the crimes or random attacks.

Ms Jans says women must get over their fear of coming forward as that would help police track the attacks and find out if they are random or something more sinister and also to help the victims find justice.

Ms Jans says many of the recent calls were about historical drug-rapes and the women were ringing to thank them for making the issue public.