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Drug-rapes - Taranaki Hysteria December 2006


TV3 News
December 14 2006

Drug Rape

Mike McRoberts    Kia ora, Good evening. Is drug rape an urban myth? A senior policeman and a criminologist are suggesting that many of the cases we hear about are not true. Instead of women having their drinks spiked they simply drink too much alcohol engage in drunken sex and wake up with a guilty conscience. The claims are likely to shock many people, especially women, but the two men making the claims are experts in their field. Kate Lynch is being hearing what they have to say say


Kate Lynch            Louise Carrol set up the drug rape trust after a family member had her drink spiked then was bashed and raped


Louise Carrol         Lost their career and virtually had to start again. They had very significant injuries and have worked very hard to recover. Their whole life of course was altered significantly.


Kate Lynch            But while that incident happened lots of other cases don’t stack up. Andy King is the head of Auckland's Adult Sexual Assault team. Since the unit was established in July he's received at least one report of drug rape per week.


Andy King             And they sometimes lose control either through alcohol or other means. They suffer memory loss, possibly have flashes of having sex with people or some sort of sexual contact with people they weren't aware of or cant remember doing so and believe because of that loss of control they may have been drugged.


Kate Lynch            All of the cases he's investigated came about through alcohol, not drugs.


Andy King             They believe that they couldn't lose control of themselves in such a manner under the influence of alcohol alone, so I think they look for other possible reasons for that loss of control.


Kate Lynch            Over the past few weeks theres been a spate of reported drug rape crimes. Police in Taranaki have even expressed frustration that women are going to rape crisis centres instead of them. In Christchurch, Professor of Sociology at Canterbury University, Greg Newbold echos what Andy King is saying. He says random drink spiking and drug rape is an urban myth


Greg Newbold.      Nearly all of the cases where there are claimed drug rape there are no drugs found in the blood. It's very rare for drugs to be found in the blood of drug rape claimants. It's normally alcohol and they blame drugs on their own stupidity.


Kate Lynch            Rape Crisis disagrees. It says drug rape does happen but acknowledges that alcohol is the bigger problem


Kim McGregor       Alcohol is a mind altering drug. They can't make decisions as easily and after a few drinks it's more difficult to protect themselves.


Kate Lynch            Rape Crisis and the police agree on one message this Christmas. Women out socialising should watch how much they're drinking and with whom. Kate Lynch, Three News.