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Drug-rapes - Taranaki Hysteria December 2006


December 14 2006

Nasty Dopes Yobs use horse drug for rapes
by John Landrigan

Nine Taranaki women who claim to be drug rape victims were given horse tranquiliser by a gang of youths, say street-savvy insiders.

Taranaki's rape crisis centres issued a region-wide alert last week after the women, aged 20 to 38, reported being drugged and raped.

The women have not officially told New Plymouth police of their fears.

Detective Senior Sergeant Grant Coward said until someone comes forward the rapes remained allegations. But two New Plymouth friends, who have used the drug recreationally, say about six young men are dishing out the horse dope for kicks.

"Someone's going to die. These people think it's funny. They have no idea of the harm they are doing. It scares me," one said.

Ketamine, also known as K, Special K, Horse, Kit Kat and Jet is taken recreationally but designed to knock out horses for vets.

"We know it's the same group of people. They've been doing it for eight weeks solidly at parties. Dropping people all over the place.

"People chomped up some big lines and then were told it was K. Some were left unconscious and alone on the floor.

"They call it the going into a `K-hole' - when one's brain stops functioning except to keep your respiratory system going.

"It can take you into a quite dreamy state. It is soluble in alcohol - hence the probability of it being used for drug rape."

The New Zealand Drug Foundation website says the wacky dope has a street price of between $100 and $160 a gram, which our man says can get 30 people "wasted easily".

Although the concerned pair think the young men involved are potentially capable of rape, they do not know if this has occurred.

"They're on drugs themselves. Their insight, everything, is just not there. It's young guys on drugs drugging people.

"I don't know if some of these girls have taken it, thinking they're having a line of methamphetamine, then had sex while on a high and woken up in shock.

"A lot of them aren't even sure they have been raped. They're just waking up confused."