The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

1996 Documents

Employment Case Documents

This page last updated June 1 2005

Link to further correspondence on Employment case: 1998

1996-0731 - Letter - Weston to JG Miles    (pdf 78 kB)
Tom Weston, Barrister, Christchurch - Acting for Christchurch City Council
Julian Miles, Barrister, Auckland

I have not directly faced the Judge's comment that I foreshadowed evidence from the Ministry but did not eventually call a Ministry representative to give evidence. Arguably, this is relevant to the Judge's quite unsubstantiated conclusion that suspension was not inevitable (contrary to everybody else on the topic). The reason that the Ministry witness did not eventually give evidence was that at the last minute he tried to change his evidence and I formed the view that he would be perjuring himself if he gave evidence in the amended form. I was not prepared to be a party to that and took the hard decision not to call him.

Link to earlier correspondence on Employment case: 1995