The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

1998 Documents

Employment Case Documents

This page last updated June 1 2005

The following correspondence relates to the handling of an Official Information Request by Lynley Hood, author, for a brief of evidence drawn up but not used by Bede Cooper of the ministry of Education, Christchurch .

The documents in question were eventually released. Copies of them are included under "1995 Employment Case Documents" on this site.

What Lynley Hood had to say about this request:
A City Possessed: The Christchurch Civic Crèche case
Longacre Press, 2001, page 567

The process by which I obtained the Ministry of Education file on Bede Cooper's brief of evidence, and the Crown Law Office file on the same matter, was a long and convoluted one. Phrases like 'getting the run-around' spring to mind. In any event, those documents, and my interviews with some of the people involved, enabled me to piece together an interesting story.

1998-0619 - Letter - Margaret Soper to Bede Cooper   (pdf 31 kB)
Margaret Soper, Crown Counsel, Crown Law Office
Bede Cooper, Liasion Officer for Mgr National Operations, Dept of Education

I note your objection to the release of these two items under the Official Information Act, but the Solicitor-General is of the view that we have no grounds under the Act to withhold them….

1998-0617 - Letter - Bede Cooper to Margaret Soper   (pdf 60 kB)
Bede Cooper, Liasion Officer for Mgr National Operations, Dept of Education Margaret Soper, Crown Counsel, Crown Law Office

…….. I therefore object to allegations made by Mrs Appleyard in her memo of 11 March1995 and those made by J C Weston in his letter to the Solicitor-General fated 9 June 1995.

1998-0616 - File Note - Jan Breakwell   (pdf 48 kB)
Jan Breakwell, Senior Solicitor, Mgr Legal Services Division, Ministry Education

Yesterday morning I spoke briefly with Lynley Hood about Bede Cooper's brief of evidence prepared for Employment Court proceedings relating to Christchurch Civic Crèche employees. This morning I spoke to her at greater length

1998-0611 - Letter - Margaret Soper to Jan Breakwell   (pdf 57 kB)
Margaret Soper, Crown Counsel, Crown Law Office
Jan Breakwell, Manager Legal Services Division, Ministry Education

I write further to my letter of 2 June 1998 to advise that Lynley Hood has complained to the Ombudsman over the failure to supply her with the information that she seeks.

1998-0602 - Letter - Margaret Soper to Jan Breakwell   (pdf 44 kB)
Margaret Soper, Crown Counsel, Crown Law Office
Jan Breakwell, Manager Legal Services Division, Ministry Education

The Solicitor-General has come to the view that we have no grounds under the Official Information Act to withhold the correspondence between him and Buddle Findlay and that it should be released. He has however noted your concerns that Bede Cooper has not been given an opportunity to refute or correct the accuracy of the information.

1998-0521 - Letter - Jan Breakwell to Margaret Soper   (pdf 83 kB)
Jan Breakwell, Manager Legal Services Division, Ministry Education
Margaret Soper, Crown Counsel, Crown Law Office

You have asked for the Ministry's views on the release of the information which you have enclosed with your letter. …..In this regard I refer particularly to a letter from Buddle Findlay to the Solicitor-General dated 9 June 1995, an attachment to that letter prepared by Jo Appleyard, and the Solicitor-General's reply dated 8 November 1995

1998-0519 - Letter - Howard Fancy to Lynley Hood   (pdf 74 kB)
Howard Fancy, Secretary for Education
Lynley Hood, Author, Dunedin

Mr Satyanand asked me to reconsider the Ministry's position on a brief of evidence, drawn up but not used, by Bede Cooper of the Ministry's Christchurch office. As you will know, this was intended to be used at Employment Court proceedings in 1995 if Bede Cooper was subpoened by the Christchurch City Council.

Links to earlier correspondence on Employment case

                        Employment case 1996
                        Employment case 1995