The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

Documents Index

1998 Index


In the Court of Appeal of New Zealand
The Queen v Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis

Coram:          Richardson P
Gault J
Henry J


Hearing:        17 December 1998


Counsel:       J M Ablett Kerr QC, G J King, and S K Barr
for the Appellant
S P France for the Crown


Judgement of the Court delivered by Henry J

The background to this application for bail made under s397 of the Crimes Act 1951 is set out in an earlier judgment of this Court of 9 June 1999, now reported as Ellis v R [1998] 3 NZLR 555. It need not be repeated. The court there held that on a s406 referral the matters identified in the reference in effect became the points on appeal. It also rejected Mr Ellis' application for bail, and restated the principles relevant to that.


Although Mr Ellis is now seeking to extend the terms of reference to this court under s406, Mrs Ablett Kerr accepted that the application must be considered on the basis of the reference as it now stands. The present position is that although it had earlier been anticipated that Mr Ellis would be in a position to prosecute this appeal to a hearing in November, that has not eventuated. Mrs Ablett Kerr advises that further time was, and still is, required before this stage is reached. The Court has been in a position to allocate time for a hearing since as far back as August of this year. Having regard to the time which has now lapsed, it was obviously desirable to bring matters to finality. Accordingly, at the Court's invitation, the parties conferred and have been able to reach agreement on timetabling which will meet initially the needs of Mr Ellis and his advisers to present the appeal, and then the consequential needs of the Crown to respond.


We record the details:


22 February 1999   

Appellant to file and serve all evidential material


2 April 1999

Crown to file and serve all evidential material