The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

Documents Main Index

1998 Documents

This page last updated April 30 2009

1998-1217 - Court of Appeal - Judgment
The background to this application for bail made under s397 of the Crimes Act 1951 is set out in an earlier judgment of this Court of 9 June 1999, now reported as Ellis v R [1998] 3 NZLR 555. It need not be repeated. The court there held that on a s406 referral the matters identified in the reference in effect became the points on appeal. It also rejected Mr Ellis' application for bail, and restated the principles relevant to that.

1998-0917 - Dr Michael Lamb writes to Judith Ablett Kerr  New April 30 2009
I have now had the opportunity to read all the written materials sent to me regarding the trial and conviction of Mr. Ellis and I am in the process of preparing a fuller report on the children's accountst,their elicitation,and their evaluation by the court.  Among the materials I have reviewed closely are four documents prepared by Dr. Parsonson ...................
In my opinion, the four documents provide an accurate summary of the empirical and scholarly literature available at the time that Dr. Parsonson wrote his reports. .....................

1998-0713 - Professor RHC Bull writes to Judith Ablett Kerr  New April 30 2009
I have read all the documents you sent to me. I have read with great care the papers authored by Dr. Parsonson ...........

In my opinion these documentsa re well informed, well expressed and demonstrate Dr. Parsonson's good understanding of the relevant literature. I have no criticisms of them. Dr. Parsonson seems very up-to-date with the published literature ................

1998-0522 - NZ Press Council - Ruling against parents of complainant
The parents of a child who was a victim in a child sex abuse case involving Peter Ellis have complained to the Press Council against an opinion article published by The Press in Christchurch. The complaint was not upheld

1998-0723 - Broadcasting Standards Authority - Complaint by Child Advocacy Trust
The Trust claimed that the only point of view which had been presented during the programme which was "significantly different from the preconceptions of the programme makers" had his character assassinated throughout the item. It emphasised that the programme failed to refer to the distress of the children who went to court, to that of their families, and to the damage done to them.

BSA - The Authority therefore concludes that overall, and taking into account the several separate points raised by the Trust, the programme did not lack balance but rather to some extent helped to provide a wider and thus more balanced perspective to the various issues which this case has given rise to. For the reasons set forth above, the Authority declines to uphold the complaint

1998-0609 - Court of Appeal - Judgment
In this case as it presently stands we are not persuaded that bail should be granted. The position could change in various respects warranting a further application but we are not to be taken as indicating any view as to the likelihood of success of a future application. The application for bail is dismissed.

Employment Case Documents
Correspondence; May/June 1998

The process by which I obtained the Ministry of Education file on Bede Cooper's brief of evidence, and the Crown Law Office file on the same matter, was a long and convoluted one. Phrases like 'getting the run-around' spring to mind. In any event, those documents, and my interviews with some of the people involved, enabled me to piece together an interesting story
    Lynley Hood
    A City Possessed: The Christchurch Civic Crèche case
    Longacre Press, 2001, p567