Focus on People:  Clint Rickards

(New Zealand Police)

Last updated February 2, 2004
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 On 31 January 2004, Assistant Police Commissioner and Auckland City Commander Clint Rickards was publicly accused of rape. Two other, now retired police officers, Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum were also accused.

The news reports on this page are not provided to imply the guilt or innocence of these men with regard to these serious allegations. They are provided simply because they are serious sexual allegations, the allegations are of an historical nature, and they involve one of New Zealand's most senior police officers.

News Reports of Rape Allegations

Timeline, showing Clint Rickard's rapid promotion in the New Zealand Police






High School and Early Employment



Edmund Rice College, Rotorua



Joins Police as a cadet



Rotorua Police



Rickards serving with the Police in Rotorua at time of alleged rape allegations
Rotorua teenager Louise Nicholas, 18, is allegedly raped and violated by three police officers: Clint Rickards,

~ 1993


Louise Nicholas (aged 26) referred for counselling, after telling her doctor and family about the alleged rapes



Louise Nicholas reports rape to to the then Rotorua CIB chief, Detective Inspector John Dewar

~ 1993


Rickards admits having sex, but claims it was consensual.  Denies allegations of baton being used.



Detective Chief Inspector Rex Miller of Hamilton (now retired) does an inquiry for the Police Complaints Authority into the handling of the rape allegations



Further Employment



Detective Inspector Clint Rickards leaves Southland Police in Invercargill



Attended Sydney's graduate School of Police Management



Completed a masters degree in public policy from Sydney's Charles Sturt University



Gisborne District Superintendent


11 Nov, Evening Post

Detective Inspector Clint Rickards, 36, to be promoted to superintendent of Gisborne police district.


7 Dec, Sunday Star Times

Youthful chief out to turn tide in tough district



Waikato District Manager


11 Dec, Waikato Times

Superintendent Clint Rickards has been appointed Waikato police's new district manager


29 Jan, Waikato Times

Welcomed to Waikato


15 Sep, Waikato Times

Waikato region achieve a record reduction in the crime rate


10 Apr, Waikato Times

Waikato police to target sex crimes



Assistant Police Commissioner, Wellington


26 Sep, Waikato Times

Clint Rickards, has been appointed to a plum role as one of three assistant police commissioners



Assistant Police Commissioner and Auckland City District Commander


17 Oct, Waikato Times

Clint Rickards was appointed Auckland city district commander yesterday


16 Jan, Waikato Times

About 200 people attended the official ceremony to welcome Auckland's newly appointed top cop at a ceremony at Auckland's Orakei marae yesterday. Mr Rickards, takes on the role of Auckland district commander in addition to his position as assistant police commissioner


31 Jan, News Reports

Rape Allegations made public
Mrs Nicholas goes public with her allegations, saying she was manipulated to protect her attackers


31 Jan 2004

Clint Rickards, Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum accused by Louise Nicholas

Louise Nicholas claims
(a) raped and violated by 3 police officers in 1986
another officer covered up her allegations to protect his colleagues
(c) she sought help at the time of the incidents but was ignored
(d) after being raped, Rickards and Shipton would visit demanding sex
(e) In 1993 went to make formal complaint but advised not to.

Police document provides evidence of coverup

Sex Abuse counsellor explains complainant's actions

Police Minister calls for more information

Police Commissioner launches review of investigations


1 Feb 2004

Prime Minister aware of rape allegations before Rickards promoted

Ex-Police Inspector Rex Miller backs Louise Nicholas

QC Peter Williams says police should not investigate themselves


2 Feb 2004

Accused deny allegations

Clint Rickards takes three weeks leave

Rex Miller claims 1995 inquiry was tainted

John Dewar defends his Police Inquiry

Police Commissioner orders full review

Prime Minister orders new additional independent inquiry

Policewoman was told baton used for deviant sex

QC calls for overseas judge to investigate

Other cases may be investigated