Moral Panic - Child Sexual Abuse

Focus on People

Dianne Espie and the Glenelg Health Camp


New Zealand Parliament
May 12 2004

Deborah Coddington
Speech to the House

Mr Speaker, what I'm about to say is going to shock this house.

And every member should feel shamed of what has happened here. This Government and the last government has ignored a dreadful scandal.

In 1987 Mr Speaker, three little girls went to the Glenelg Health Camp in Christchurch. They were put in the care of the State. Their parents trusted their children in the care of the State.

A State employee sexually abused these little girls and no government has ever done anything except sweep this scandal under the carpet

The Department of Health employed a medical officer of health, Dr Dianne Espie to work at the Health Camp.

Dr Espie without the parent's position, and with no other adult present repeatedly examined these little girls in a way that can only be described as sexual abuse. She inserted swabs into their vaginas. She measured their vaginas with tape measures, not once, not twice, but over and over again. She kept saying to these little girls   "this is what your fathers do to you isn't it?" One little girl said that Dr Espie rubbed her breasts and then when the little girl cried Dr Espie slapped her and said she was having a bad day. This is child abuse.

But worse Mr Speaker, this doctor convinced the Department of Social Welfare that these girls were being sexually abused by their fathers. The girls were not allowed home to their families until their mothers agreed to separate from their husbands. The police investigated these men and found that there was not a shred of evidence that these men had sexually abused their daughters. These families have been destroyed.

One of these girls who I'm in contact with now is a very very damaged young lady.

She was put into foster care. She was abused in foster care. She lived on the streets from the age of 11. Eventually she found her way back to their father.

And these people have fought 17 years for justice.  For someone to just stand up and say "I'm Sorry". For Dr Espie to be held accountable.

And nothing has ever been done by any government despite letters written by Helen Clark, by Phil Goff.  Letters to Katherine O Regan. Letters to Peter Gresham. 

In 1987 Mr Speaker the Cartright inquiry was appalled that vaginal swabs were taken from stillborn female fetuses without parental consent and this situation is worse because no government has been appalled by this.

Why didn't anyone care about these families?  I believe if Dr Espie was a male doctor she would have been brought to justice and she might well be in jail now. She might well be innocent but she needs to be brought to an inquiry which I have asked this house to instigate.

I ask members of this house to imagine  for one moment if their children had gone off to a Health Camp with minor health problems and never come home to their families again. If they had been sexually examined without parental consent.

Fathers - how would they feel being accused of sexually abusing their daughters.

Mothers forced to break up families so that they could keep their children.

How can the State which has enormous power Mr Speaker - The State has huge powers - The State has abused it's power in this case and the State can try and do something to put it right.

The State has been so wrong and I implore the Minister of Justice Mr Speaker. I implore him to act on my letter and my petition to do something for these families.