Moral Panic - Child Sexual Abuse

Focus on People

Dianne Espie and the Glenelg Health Camp

State sanctioned child sexual abuse - Index


This page last updated March 2 2005

2004-0728 - The Press - Group seeks help from Chch MP
New March 2 2005
by Jarrod Booker - A group wanting action against a former Christchurch doctor accused of misdiagnosing sex abuse has sought help from Christchurch Central MP Tim Barnett. Barnett is chairman of the Justice and Electoral select committee which is considering a petition calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Christchurch Creche case. Pain (Parents Against Injustice) said yesterday it was working with Barnett to pursue its claims against Dr Dianne Espie over her diagnosis of young girls at Christchurch's Glenelg Health Camp in the 1980s

2004-0618 - The Press - Labour Govt knew about sex claims     
by Colin Espiner - Child, Youth and Family Minister Ruth Dyson has admitted a former Labour government was aware of sex abuse allegations at the Glenelg Health Camp in the late 1980s. But Dyson has all but ruled out a ministerial inquiry into the claims, saying nothing she has seen would justify a re-examination of the issue. Documents tabled in Parliament yesterday show both the Lange-Palmer Labour government and the Bolger National administration investigated claims by parents that they had been falsely accused of sexual abuse by a doctor at the camp.

2004-0617 - Nelson Mail - Dyson denies allegations of cover-up over abuse claims     
Child Youth and Family Minister Ruth Dyson has been accused of ``being economical with the truth'' to protect the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister over sex abuse allegations at the Glenelg Health Camp in the late 1980s. National MP Katherine Rich yesterday accused Ms Dyson of ``covering up'' the pair's involvement in the handling of the first complaints of sexual abuse from the Christchurch camp.

2004-0617 - National Party - Dyson: "I have checked the file" - yeah right   
by Katherine Rich - National MP Katherine Rich is pleased that Labour ministers seem to have recovered their memories about Labour's involvement in the Glenelg Health Camp complaints in 1989. "For four months Ruth Dyson has been unable to find any information prior to 1993 about the complaints. Since May 17, she has said that officials were checking the archives. "But now, only 24 hours after I accused Ms Dyson of covering-up the involvement of previous Labour cabinet ministers and she blamed National for not dealing with the Glenelg complaints, memories have been jolted and information has miraculously appeared.

2004-0617 - Newstalk ZB - Gov't denies coverup   
National and ACT believe the Government is trying to cover up how the last Labour Government dealt with allegations involving Glenelg Health Camp. National's Katherine Rich says the Government sat on its hands after it received a complaint about sexual abuse at the camp.

2004-0617 - NZ Parliament - Questions for Oral Answer   
Katherine Rich to the Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF): Does she stand by her earlier statements that she had “checked the file” and conducted “extensive searching of the available records” in relation to complaints about medical examinations at the Glenelg Health Camp prior to answering oral and written questions about the role of the ministry and the Minister; if so, does she stand by her answers to those questions?

2004-0617 - The Press - Glenelg cover-up alleged     
By Anna Claridge - Child, Youth and Family (CYF) Minister Ruth Dyson has been accused of "being economical with the truth" to protect the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister over sex abuse allegations at the Glenelg Health Camp in the late 1980s. Yesterday, National MP Katherine Rich accused Dyson of "covering up" the pair's involvement in the handling of the first complaints of sexual abuse from the Christchurch camp.

2004-0522 - The Press - Abuse claims untrue - doctor   
by Jarrod Booker - A former Christchurch doctor accused of tearing apart families with misdiagnosis of sexual abuse says the claims have taken a heavy toll on her. Dr Dianne Espie, who identified symptoms of sexual abuse in girls at Christchurch's Glenelg Health Camp from the late 1980s, has been accused of using methods "that can only be described as sexual abuse" by ACT MP Deborah Coddington

2004-0521 - The Press - Shipley told no need for inquiry into camp     
Associate Health Minister Ruth Dyson yesterday said she was unsure why a case had never been pursued by the Medical Council over legations of sexual abuse, at Glenelg Health Camp in Christchurch. The alleged abuse was again the subject of questions in Parliament yesterday after ACT MP Deborah Coddington last week claimed young girls were sexually Abused at the health camp by a woman medical officer who then accused their fathers of the offences

2004-0520 - NZ Parliament - Questions for Oral Answer   
Katherine Rich to the Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF): When did the former Department of Social Welfare and its Minister first become aware of allegations regarding the medical examinations of children, without parental consent, at Glenelg Health Camp?

2004-0520 - The Press - False abuse claim robs woman of dying dad     
by Jarrod Booker - Katrina Meaclem missed out on precious time with her dying father because of false sexual abuse allegations. Sixteen years after her father's death, Meaclem, 29, cannot forgive Dr Diane Espie, who examined her and added considerable weight to existing claims that she had been abused by her father. Without the diagnosis by Espie when she was 12, Meaclem believes she may have been allowed to return to live with her parents.

2004-0514 - The Press - Father seeks apology over sexual abuse allegations   
A Christchurch father whose family was torn apart by sexual abuse allegations from a controversial health worker still hopes for an admission he was wronged. Trevor Gibling says he lost custody of his daughter Carolynne after being accused of sexually abusing her by the female health officer. The doctor examined and interviewed the girl at Christchurch's Glenelg Health Camp in 1987. ACT MP Deborah Coddington, in Parliament this week, claimed the doctor herself had "repeatedly examined these little girls in a way that can only be described as sexual abuse". As a result of allegations the doctor made against parents, three girls – including Carolynne Gibling – were taken from their homes and put into state custody. Coddington is now calling for an inquiry into the "dreadful scandal".

2004-0513 - NZ Parliament - Questions for Oral Answer   
Deborah Coddington to the Minister of Health: Why didn't she order an immediate independent inquiry into the alleged abuse of children at the Glenelg Children's Health Camp in the 1980s following the briefing on 28 October 2003 that her officials provided for her as a result of my written questions?

2004-0513 - NZ Herald - Sex abuse at health camp claims MP     
NZPA - Young girls were sexually abused at Glenelg Health Camp in Christchurch by a woman health officer who accused their fathers of sexual abuse, it was alleged in Parliament yesterday. Act MP Deborah Coddington said families were destroyed by those accusations while successive Governments ignored a "dreadful scandal".

2004-0513 - The Press - MP names doctor accused of health-camp abuse   
NZPA - ACT MP Deborah Coddington said families were destroyed by those accusations while successive governments ignored a "dreadful scandal". She said that in 1987 three girls went to the health camp and were put in the care of the state. "A state employee sexually abused these little girls and no government has ever done anything except sweep this scandal under the carpet," she said. Speaking under parliamentary privilege, Coddington named then officer of health Dr Diane Espie as the woman involved.

2004-0512 - Stuff - MP accuses woman doctor of abusing young girls     
NZPA - Young girls were sexually abused at Glenelg Health Camp in Christchurch by a woman health officer who then accused their fathers of the offences, it was alleged in Parliament today. ACT MP Deborah Coddington said families were destroyed by those accusations while successive governments ignored a "dreadful scandal". She said that in 1987 three girls went to the health camp and were put in the care of the state. "A state employee sexually abused these little girls and no government has ever done anything except sweep this scandal under the carpet," she said.

2004-0512 - NZ Parliament Coddington Speech   
(Transcript) by Deborah Coddington - Mr Speaker, what I'm about to say is going to shock this house. And every member should feel shamed of what has happened here. This Government and the last government has ignored a dreadful scandal. In 1987 Mr Speaker, three little girls went to the Glenelg Health Camp in Christchurch. They were put in the care of the State. Their parents trusted their children in the care of the State. A State employee sexually abused these little girls and no government has ever done anything except sweep this scandal under the carpet

2003-0725 - National Business Review - Changing times or changing gender   
Ms Hood reminds us that at the same time (1987) Dr Dianne Espie, of Christchurch's Child Protection Team, was examining young children entering a children's health camp for signs of sexual abuse. In 1988 she reported that "of the more than 250 children who had passed through the camp the previous year 117 had probably been sexually abused, one probably had not been and the rest were in doubt". If you can believe that you can believe anything. Far too many did. Dr Espie examined these health camp children, without parental consent, and for no good reason other than her evident conviction that all men were child abusers.

2001-1001 - Lynley Hood - A City Possessed Extract p127-140   
After six years in general practice, Dr Dianne Espie was appointed medical officer of health responsible for Glenelg Children's Health Camp in 1981. She had no post-graduate qualifications in paediatrics, psychiatry or gynaecology, but during the '80s she attended many seminars on child abuse and counselling, and thereby became a child sexual abuse expert. By 1985 she was diagnosing increasing numbers of sexual abuse cases in the course of her work

1999-0330 - Dominion - Tracing the evolution of a satanic scare   
by Alan Samson - Among other figures central to what he classifies as the early hysteria, Professor Hill identifies David Finkelhor, who published three dozen ritual abuse case studies, without evaluating the reliability of any of the allegations.  More important to New Zealand was doctor Astrid Heger, one of the McMartin investigators, who wrote that sexual abuse could be detected by the size and shape of girls' hymens. This was taken as an abuse indicator at a Glenelg Health Camp investigation in Christchurch, a related anal dilation test - supposed to indicate molestation - triggered a sexual abuse scare in Cleveland, Britain.

1997-1123 - Sunday Star Times - Full inquiry essential in Ellis case   
by Frank Haden -
A proper inquiry into all aspects of the case, not just the part played by a naive and foolish policeman, will put an end forever to the baleful, destructive power of the Christchurch psychologists and welfare workers who were denied a victim in the Glenelg Health Camp case, denied a victim in the hospital children's ward case, and moved in frustration against Peter Ellis, determined to get a sacrificial goat by hook or by crook. They must be "disempowered" to use their jargon, along with the ritual garbage they spout, miscalling allegations "disclosures" and admissions of having lied "being in denial

1995-0500 - COSA - Newsletter   
Review of "Assignment, Rob Harley, TV1, 28 April 1995" - This documentary presented the stories of 3 families whose daughters attended Gleneg Health Clinic, Christchurch, in 1987, when they were about 8 years old. There had never been any suggestion that any of these girls had been sexually abused. All 3 were examined by the Camp doctor, Diane Espie, apparently without parental consent. She found that they had what she interpreted as enlarged vaginal openings and told them they had been sexually abused. Then followed interviews to reveal the offender.