Moral Panic - Child Sexual Abuse

Focus on People

Dianne Espie and the Glenelg Health Camp


The Press
July 28 2004

Group seeks help from Chch MP
by Jarrod Booker

A group wanting action against a former Christchurch doctor accused of misdiagnosing sex abuse has sought help from Christchurch Central MP Tim Barnett.

Barnett is chairman of the Justice and Electoral select committee which is considering a petition calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Christchurch Creche case.

Pain (Parents Against Injustice) said yesterday it was working with Barnett to pursue its claims against Dr Dianne Espie over her diagnosis of young girls at Christchurch's Glenelg Health Camp in the 1980s.

The group decided to lay a complaint with the Health and Disability Commissioner after meeting Barnett, who encouraged them to exhaust all avenues, Pain founder Alan Fort said.

The Government has refused to launch a ministerial inquiry into Espie's work at Glenelg, but Barnett told The Press he was happy to play a role with Pain in "presenting their case well" and had been assisting in his capacity as a constituent MP.

Using parliamentary privilege in May, ACT MP Deborah Coddington made allegations about Espie's role at the camp.

In an exclusive interview with The Press, Espie called the allegations "very distressing" and "totally untrue".

She did not return calls from The Press yesterday.

The group would also present a submission to the Justice and Electoral Select Committee, Fort said.

Coddington said she would keep the pressure on at Parliament.