Child Sexual Abuse Hysteria - Perpetrators

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Who is John Read?

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Photo: Dr John Read
(Devonport Flagstaff)

International Conference on Trauma, Attachment and Dissociation
12-14 September 2003

Dr John Read Ph.D. - New Zealand

Dr John Read is Co-Director of the Doctorate of Clinical Psychology programme at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He has twenty years experience as a clinical psychologist and manager of mental health services (in the USA, the UK and New Zealand) working primarily with people diagnosed 'psychotic.' His research interests include the psychosocial causes of, and treatments for, psychotic symptomatology. He has also published several papers demonstrating a link between biogenetic causal beliefs and negative attitudes towards 'mental patients.'

His research on childhood trauma has demonstrated a particularly strong relationship between childhood sexual abuse and auditory hallucinations. He is currently involved in providing one-day seminars to mental health professionals in the Auckland region on how and when to take a trauma history and how to respond therapeutically to disclosures of abuse.

John is coordinating editor of a book scheduled for publication in 2003: Read, J., Mosher, L., & Bentall, R. Madness Reconsidered: The Psychosocial Origins and Treatments of Schizophrenia (Brunner-Routledge).
