Child Sexual Abuse Hysteria - Perpetrators

Index - Focus on People

"Dr John Read"

this page last updated February 8, 2005

Who is "John Read"?

John Read is Co-Director of the Doctorate of Clinical Psychology programme at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. His biographical details, even including any information relating to his academic credentials are not published.

Read does outline that in 1974, he was aged 20 and working as a "psychiatric nursing aid in the Bronx in New York", & that he was "trained" subsequently

Latest Addition; Feb 8 2005:

"John Read" talks at a conference in Melbourne, taking the opportunity to fire ammunition randomly. "Dr" Read on the Ellis case, comments about Lynley Hood, false memory, false allegations, and his crusade on schizophrenia etc etc  

          worth a browse !!!

September 13 2003;  Read - Conference Address

September 14 2003;  Read - Conference Speech

Is this a hate site?

John Read is quoted on referring to a "local website" as a "hate website". He claims the site calls him a "liar", and is trying to "bully" him. As with many of Read's allegations, no details are provided for anybody to verify his claims. He obviously does not mean this site, because his comments preceded the construction of this site.

But he should be assured that this site does not wish to call him a liar (except where we show the appropriate evidence), or wish to bully him, and this site does not "hate him".  What is of interest are what he says, and what he does.

The following topics detail the concerns of this site about John Read.

Read's outspoken comments on the Peter Ellis case

John Read has explained that his lack of sympathy for Ellis is because he believes there is insufficient concern about the separate problem of child abuse, of which he (Read) is a "survivor".   But his vitriol goes much further ....

Read on abuse : his exaggeration of statistics

John Read exaggerates abuse statistics and minimises the possibility of false allegations

Read on abuse : his flawed research on consequences

John Read recklessly links abuse to schizophrenia, despite being warned that his methodology is shonky. Academic standards at Auckland University are questioned that allow him to continue with such basically flawed research.

March 2004 :  Read's proposed book is criticised by Dr Ian Goodwin, of the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
"Ideas in it fly in the face of all scientific evidence";  "Read's ideas naïve" 

Read and objectivity : his self-identification as a "survivor"

Read's public position as a "survivor" gives us some understanding of why he is not objective about the subject of child sexual abuse.

Read's attempts to silence those he does not agree with

A good example of Read's lack of objectivity was his position in a campaign to prevent Memory expert Elizabeth Loftus from speaking at the 2000 New Zealand Psychology Conference

Read's other hobby horses

(a)        Read's implicit hatred of psychiatry and psychiatrists
(b)        Read's scorn for drugs in mental illness, and advocacy of alternative talk therapy
(c)        Read's outspoken criticism of ECT
Perhaps Read was at some stage personally affected by psychiatry. This is pure conjecture, but his advocacy on these issues is in a similar style to his interest on child sexual abuse, rather than what may be expected as an unbiased academic.