Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

Nick Wills

Waikato Times
October 17, 1996

Rape claim victim hits back at police
by Kris McGehan

Nick Wills is no rapist. Everyone knows that -- now.

Yet some of the stigma remains from a harrowing tale of sex, lies and deceit the 22-year-old Waikato University student has endured in the past year.

This week a Police Complaints Authority report vindicated his claims that police should not have charged him with rape last year.

He has also paid off $27,000 legal bills with a combined compensation deal of $30,000 from the police and his former employer, the Bryant Hall Trust Board.

Mr Wills took the trust board to the Employment Court after he was sacked, during the investigation into the rape complaint, as deputy warden of the university hostel.

"The most important part of all this has been the very bad handling of the case by the police. I know that my accuser was very convincing -- I'm not disputing that.

"But the fact is that they (the police) didn't do their job properly. I wasn't going to let them get away with it."

In August last year he was arrested for the alleged rape of another student in the hostel.

The woman was later convicted of making a false statement to police. Mr Wills was cleared of charges of rape and threatening to kill.

But he still calls the three months he spent under suspicion "pure hell" for which he cannot be compensated.

"Let this be a reminder to the police," Mr Wills said. "I hope some good comes out of it."

In his decision, Police Complaints Authority deputy chief Ewen Robertson said there was a "neglect of duty" in the police inquiry prior to Mr Wills' arrest.

Police failed to check Mr Wills' alibi and he agreed with concerns about the use of an "inexperienced" doctor.

The officer handling the case, Detective Chris Scahill, decided to arrest Mr Wills without seeing photographs of the woman's injuries. Mr Scahill could not be reached for comment.


CAPTION:  VINDICATION: Waikato law student Nick Wills reflects on the "pure hell" he endured while under investigation for rape. PICTURE: Stephen Barker