Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations Index


Nick Wills

A student maliciously accused;
A hopelessly inadequate police “investigation”

This page last updated Jan 3 2005

2000-0731 - Dominion - The rape risk
by David McLoughlin - "The complainant in Nick's case was totally believable, but there wasn't a scintilla of truth to her allegations," Mr Scotter says. "Had it gone to trial, he could easily have been convicted."  Mr Scotter says police attitudes to rape complainants have changed as a result of publicity about Mr Wills's case, which featured on television in 60 Minutes. "I have no doubt police are more careful now," he says, but adds that it is still very easy for an innocent man to be charged with and convicted of rape.

2000-0715 - The Press - The accused
New Jan 3 2005
by Diana Dekker - Prisons are full of people who say they are innocent. Sometimes they are. Lawyer Nick Wills sometimes wakes up in a sweat after nightmares in which police are at the door. Five years ago he was falsely accused of rape. He was 22, had been head boy at his high school, was popular, and had, as his mother, Viv d'Or says, "lived a pretty blessed life". When the accusation was made, he was "chucked in the cells and treated like a common criminal".

2000-0711 - Evening Post - Rape crisis centre appeal draws raft of obscene mail
by Mary Longmore - Other men cleared of rape subsequently spoke out, including former Waikato University student Nick Wills. But Ms Ross said the publicity distorted the truth about false accusations, which were rare.

2000-0708 - Evening Post - The accused
by Diana Dekker - Lawyer Nick Wills sometimes wakes up in a sweat after nightmares in which police are at the door. Five years ago he was falsely accused of rape. He was 22, had been head boy at Te Puke Boys' High, was popular, had, as his mother, Viv d'Or says, "lived a pretty blessed life". When the accusation was made, he was "chucked in the cells and treated like a common criminal". It took three months for his name to be cleared and for the woman who made his life and the life of his family a misery, to be put in the dock. "She has no idea of what she put us through," say d'Or, who tries to be charitable and remember the woman had a history of psychiatric problems. "It was a nightmare for a lot of people."

2000-0707 - Truth - How false complaints can destroy lives
by Leslie Watkins - Legal fees also swallowed the $30,000 compensation Hamilton law student Nick Wills, 22, eventually received from the police and the firm that sacked him after he had been falsely accused of rape. Police had failed to check his alibi, medical evidence was inconsistent, and there were huge flaws in the woman's story. Wills has described the resulting "deep personal scars"--he became uneasy around women and felt the need to always have an alibi.

2000-0218 - Dominion - Complaints of rape
by F. Goodyear-Smith - A practice of implicitly believing the victim means an effective presumption of guilt. The stories of Nick Wills, Alan Collier and Alan Rush exemplify the suffering and destruction wreaked in the lives of hundreds of New Zealand families from this misguided policy.

1998-0525 - The Press - False charge fails to halt career in law
New Jan 3 2005
NZPA - Nick Wills's law degree cost more than the usual blood, sweat, and tears. Almost three years ago his legal future was nearly destroyed by a fellow student's false accusation of rape. Yesterday he was back in court but the outlook was not nearly as grim.

1998-0523 - Waikato Times - Victim of false accusation admitted to Bar
NZPA - Nick Wills' law degree cost more than the usual blood, sweat and tears. Nearly three years ago his legal future was nearly destroyed by a fellow student's false accusation of rape. Yesterday he was back in a Hamilton court but the outlook was not nearly as grim. Mr Wills was admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the High Court

1998-0523 - Waikato Times - Ex-accused on track
NZPA - Nick Wills' law degree cost more than the usual blood, sweat and tears

1998-0523 - Evening Post - A lawyer against all odds
NZPA - Nick Wills' law degree cost more than the usual blood, sweat and tears

1997-1202 - Dominion - Hundreds falsely accused, says group
New Jan 3 2005
by Annie Gray - A Ministerial inquiry is being called for into cases where men have been convicted of sexual offences on the basis of uncorroborated testimonies……. Caption - Nick Wills, left, falsely accused of rape

1997-1202 - Dominion - How the nightmare starts
New Jan 3 2005
by Annie Gray - False accusations of sex attacks ruin lives. David Dougherty and Nick Wills have now established their innocence. Annie Gray reports on another man's ordeal after being falsely accused…..

1997-1002 - Dominion - Overhaul for bad justice
Editorial -
A slipshod investigation put Waikato University student Nick Wills through hell in 1995 after he was falsely accused of rape.

1997-0512 - Waikato Times - Police waste their time on Bain review
Editorial -
Then there was also the case of Hamilton student Nick Wills who in 1995 was charged with rape because police failed to do something as basic as check his alibi

1997-0504 - Sunday Star Times - Beware, not all rapes are the same
by Frank Haden -
Any woman who knowingly makes such a false accusation should be pilloried without mercy. Instead, the woman who falsely accused Waikato student Nick Wills had her name suppressed, thanks to the efforts of Rape Crisis, when by rights she should have gone to prison for a long time. It was all right for Mr Wills to have his name smeared, in the view of Rape Crisis, because all men are rapists. But she was entitled to have hers suppressed. 

1997-0503 - Dominion - Repercussions for Rape Crisis
by Phil Wallington - Rape awareness week got off to a bad start in Monday's Dominion, with former Rape Crisis centre spokeswoman Toni Allwood attacking the journalistic standards of 60 Minutes in an attempt to mitigate some of the damage she did to her own organisation. Last year Ms Allwood and Rape Crisis threw in their lot with a young woman who had falsely and maliciously accused an innocent young man of rape. ....Her manifest lack of sympathy for the male victim, Nick Wills, offended many New Zealanders

1997-0428 - Dominion - Speaking up against rape
by Val Aldridge - ......That's Toni (women-never-lie-about-rape) Allwood. Toni says, "I never ever said that." And yet it's been repeated so often that now it is commonly believed she did. .... Ms Allwood got a lot of hate mail, particularly after the 60 Minutes story on Nick Wills (the Waikato man whose conviction of rape on false evidence was eventually quashed).

1997-0218 - Dominion - Complaints of rape
New Jan 3 2005
by F Goodyear-Smith - A practice of implicitly believing the victim means an effective presumption of guilt. The stories of Nick Wills, Alan Collier and Alan Rush (The Dominion, February 6 and 7) exemplify the suffering and destruction wreaked in the lives of hundreds of New Zealand families from this misguided policy.

1997-0208 - Daily News - Sex Lies and Mens Reputations
New Jan 3 2005
by Rosemary McLeod - "Though I've never met a Rape Crisis person, you have the suspicion that they apply for the job on the basis that all men are rapists, and all women tell the truth. If it's not a true story, and the woman is getting all this support and belief, it's a dangerous thing. It sets things off on a pretty dangerous path." Viv d'Or, Nick Wills's mother, agrees.

1997-0104 - Waikato Times - Rape claim trauma remains
Nick Wills is still carrying the scars of being falsely accused of rape last year. ....Mr Wills was cleared of the rape charges three months after they were laid ....His accuser, who remains anonymous, was charged with making a false complaint to police. His claims of an inadequate police investigation into his case were vindicated in October when a Police Complaints Authority report said there was a "neglect of duty" by the police in their handling of the rape inquiry.

1996-1215_Sunday Star Times - Rape and allegations
New Jan 3 2005
by G Waugh - Of course women make false allegations of rape. And when they do, they are rightly accused of "lying, scheming and manipulating". Remember Nick Wills and many others in similar predicaments?

1996-1115 - Truth - Where's the justice?
New Jan 3 2005
by Leslie Watkins - Hamilton law student Nick Wills was 21 when his life was devastated by a female's allegation of rape. He was arrested in August last year and faced the prospect of a ten-year sentence. The woman then confessed--her rape story was fantasy. She, like Leggett, was convicted of making a false statement and sentenced to 150 hours community service.

1996-1112 - Waikato Times - Judiciary takes a dim view
by Kris McGehen - In August last year Nick Wills was branded a rapist. Three months later he was cleared of all charges when his accuser admitted lying to police. The Times examines how police and courts handle false complaints.

1996-1018 - Daily News - Double injustice is something our system can well do without
Editorial -
Unfortunately, one man is suffering. Nick Wills, a 22-year-old Waikato University student, is not a rapist. A woman claimed he was in August last year. He was sacked as deputy warden of the university hostel. The woman was subsequently convicted of making a false statement to the police. Mr Wills was cleared of charges of rape and threatening to kill, but his name is in public arena now as it was back then. The woman's name was suppressed.

1996-1017 - Waikato Times - Rape claim victim hits back at police
by Kris McGehan - "The most important part of all this has been the very bad handling of the case by the police. I know that my accuser was very convincing -- I'm not disputing that. "But the fact is that they (the police) didn't do their job properly. I wasn't going to let them get away with it." Nick Wills still calls the three months he spent under suspicion "pure hell" for which he cannot be compensated.

1996-1016 - Waikato Times - Police admit mistakes in rape inquiry
by Kris McGehan - Police today admitted they made mistakes in the investigation of a complaint of rape against a Hamilton man. The Police Complaints Authority today revealed it had upheld a complaint by Waikato University student Nick Wills against the police who investigated the rape complaint made against him. Mr Wills said he was branded a serial rapist and was harassed because of his arrest.

1996-0728 - Sunday News - Sometimes there's reasonable doubt about common sense
by George Balani - IS our justice system letting us down? Is our police force letting us down? Certainly most of the work the police do is beyond reproach, but in some cases it would seem common sense or logic disappear. Remember what turned out to be a false accusation of rape against Waikato University student Nick Wills. Police followed a single-minded path looking for a conviction, overlooking obvious evidence of an alibi, and were it not for Nick's parents a conviction would almost certainly have resulted.

1996-0417 - Waikato Times - Victim critical of police
New Jan 3 2005
by Kris McGehan - Nick Wills is no rapist. Everyone knows that -- now. Yet some of the stigma remains from a harrowing tale of sex, lies and deceit the 22-year-old Waikato University student has endured in the past year. This week a Police Complaints Authority report vindicated his claims that police should not have charged him with rape last year.

1996-0408 - Dominion - Rape law reform
New Jan 3 2005
by Gordon Waugh - After the 60 Minutes television programme segment on a false allegation of rape against a young Waikato University law student, Nick Wills, there has been an enormously adverse reaction to the comments made by Toni Allwood, the national co-ordinator of Rape Crisis, and equally many expressions of sympathy for Nick Wills

1996-0407 - Sunday Star Times - Why I'm wary of Rape Crisis
by Frank Haden -
The system failed lamentably in the case of Nick Wills. He was wrongly held in jail when police ignored his rock-solid alibi and failed to investigate his accuser's claims properly. His good name was smeared, his career was jeopardised by a woman who made up a pack of intricately detailed lies, claiming he raped her, knocked her about and threatened to kill her. If it had not been for his parents and a determined lawyer, he would have been convicted and sent to jail for nine years. ........Then we saw Rape Crisis in its true colours. Toni Allwood, its national co-ordinator, tried vainly to defend its action in preserving the liar's reputation. The false accuser simply made a mistake, a youthful mistake, she said, and should be allowed to get on with her life. Some mistake! Some liar

1996-0407 - Sunday News - Rape Crisis in crisis of its own TV show affects fundraising
by Paulette Crowley - Rape Crisis is in crisis after fallout from televison's 60 Minutes show last week, which showed a Hamilton man falsely accused of rape. .......Rape Crisis defended the alleged victim, and took out a court injunction to prevent 60 Minutes from broadcasting her name. They say the girl, known only as Wendy, was raped, even though she admitted she made it up and was subsequently charged with giving a false statement.

1996-0407 - Sunday News - Police prosecute and ask questions later
by George Balani - Last week I had a go at the police over their obviously inadequate handling of a couple of murder cases. At that time, I was unaware of the Hamilton case of young university student Nick Wills, falsely accused of rape. Another graphic illustration of the police not doing their job properly. How can it be that police investigating such a serious allegation didn't bother to check out such a straightforward thing as Nick's alibi? How can it be that senior police detectives didn't ask pertinent questions about the accuser and uncover her many fantasies?

1996-0331 - Sunday News - Falsely accused of rape
Nick Wills was a marked man. The Hamilton law student was falsely accused of rape and threatening to kill last year and was looking at a 10-year sentence if found guilty. But the woman, living in the same hall of residence at Waikato University as Wills, confessed to police only days before the depositions she had made up the story.