Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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John Dewar - 2007 - Page 3


Three News
August 6 2007; 23:06

Heated scenes as Dewar defends himself in court

Ex-police officer John Dewar has taken the stand in his own defence.

He is on trial for four charges of obstructing the course of justice to do with covering up allegations of sexual abuse made by Louise Nicholas.

Dewar maintains there was no cover up.

John Dewar spent 15 years on the police force and is no stranger to giving evidence - but not, until today, in his own defence.

He told the court he has never obstructed the course of justice.

Louise Nicholas claims she told Dewar she had been raped by then serving police officers Bob Schollum, Brad Shipton and Clint Rickards.

But Dewar denied Nicholas had told him about the rape allegation.

Dewar says he asked Nicholas about what she had said on oath. 

Dewar's lawyer asked why, even if Nicholas would not talk, Dewar had not followed the matter up - Dewar says it was his decision and he has no regrets.

In a heated cross examination, crown prosecutor Brent Stanaway asked why Dewar had sat in the public gallery for the rape trials of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum - accusing him of being there to support his friends.

The trial is expected to wrap up tomorrow with closing arguments