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This page last updated Aug 7 2007

7 August 2007; Main points outlined by Waikato Times

·                Dewar rejected the notion Schollum, Shipton and Mr Rickards were close friends. "They weren't known to me. But even if they were it wouldn't have made any difference to the decision that I would have made. "If a complaint had been made to me I would have acted on it, I would have investigated."

·                Dewar denied he was supporting the accused in the 2004-05 Mt Maunganui pack rape trial when he attended the hearing, pointing out it was being conducted by the same team which were accusing him of a cover-up. "It's the old adage. Get to know your enemy. I wanted to know the strengths and weaknesses of the investigating team. "I was there because you were there," he told Mr Stanaway.

·                Dewar was frustrated Mrs Nicholas had been painted as a liar in another sex case with the defence accusing her of fantasising. "When Louise Nicholas says she has sex with police officers - she has sex with police officers."

·                In response to allegations from a witness with name suppression that she had group sex with Shipton and himself, Dewar said: "I never met her until depositions. I can't say more about her, I simply don't know her."

·                Asked if he had ever been offered sexually as "a gift" to anyone - as alleged earlier in the trial - he replied: "No, not yet."

·                Earlier defence counsel Paul Mabey told the jury Dewar wasn't a criminal just because he didn't do things by the book.

·                And he warned them to disregard case publicity. "The media are only interested in the good bits."

2007-0807 - Waikato Times - Dewar the 'protector'

7 August 2007; Defence Summing up
Paul Mabey

Defence Lawyer Paul Mabey

The Defence says Ms Nicholas did not want to make a statement and Dewar did not chase up the claims because he did not want to risk her being charged with perjury.

A woman who claimed to have had group sex with former policemen John Dewar and Brad Shipton had "so many policemen in her life" she lost track of which policemen she was having consensual sex with, a jury has been told

Mr Mabey asked the jury to not let the way Dewar answered questions yesterday under cross-examination, when he at times had heated exchanges with the crown prosecutor Brent Stanaway, colour their deliberations. "Look at the way he gave his evidence. "Any one of you in his position would defend yourself to the end as best you could. "That's what he was doing, sticking up for himself. "Don't write him off because he stuck-up for himself.”

Mr Mabey appealed to the jury to consider carefully the inconsistencies within Mrs Nicholas' evidence, including contradictory statements she made about whether the three men had raped her

He also says the motive presented by the Crown is “lame”: that he was covering up for his mates. "I'll be submitting to you that it is so thin, so unreliable and so inherently incredible, that you'll reject it," Paul Mabey says

2007-0807 - Newstalk ZB - Closing stages of Dewar trial

2007-0807 - NZ Herald - Dewar had no motive to act criminally - lawyer

2007-0807 - One News - Summing up in Dewar case

2007-0807 - Three News - Dewar case summed up in court

7 August 2007; Crown Summing up
Brent Stanaway

Prosecutor Brent Stanaway

The Crown's case hinges on Dewar's apparent unwillingness to investigate the claims, or even take a statement. Crown Prosecutor Brent Stanaway said the case relates to whether allegations of rape were made, not whether a rape actually occurred. He told the jury Dewar was made aware of the allegations on a number of occasions, from personal meetings with Louise Nicholas and her mother, to her testimony at the trial of another officer

Dewar's demeanour also came under fire, with Mr Stanaway telling the jury Dewar's belligerence under cross examination was the behaviour of someone with something to hide.

Prosecutor Brent Stanaway said Dewar "deliberately and arrogantly" manipulated Louise Nicholas and the trials of a former policeman in order to protect his mates. He "persuaded and deflected Louise Nicholas's desire to complain about Mr Rickards, Shipton and Schollum"

2007-0807 - Newstalk ZB - Crown adamant Dewar knew of allegations

2007-0807 - Newstalk ZB - Crown says Dewar defence untenable

2007-0807 - NZ Herald - Dewar deflected Nicholas to protect mates - Crown

2007-0807 - Stuff - Dewar 'deliberately manipulated for mates' - Crown

7 August 2007; Closing arguments
Rodney Hansen

Judge Rodney Hansen

Both sides will present closing arguments at the High Court.

2007-0807 - Newswire - Lawyers to present closing arguments

2007-0807 - One News - Dewar trial in closing stages

2007-0807 - Radio NZ - Closing arguments in Dewar trial

6 August 2007; Dewar Cross examination
Crown prosecutor Brent Stanaway began his cross-examination of Dewar this afternoon and questioned why Dewar did not take a formal complaint from Mrs Nicholas despite hearing her make a statement in court that she had been raped by the three men. Dewar said Mrs Nicholas refused to talk to him about the allegations.

Mr Stanaway told Dewar that he had "manipulated the evidence in the way you investigated the case in order to protect Louise Nicholas and in order to manufacture the outcome of the `former policeman's' trial." Dewar replied "I didn't manipulate anything." If at any time Mrs Nicholas wanted to make a complaint, it would have been investigated but she would not talk to him about it, he said.

Earlier Dewar said he was "shocked, surprised and concerned" when Mrs Nicholas made the allegations of rape against the three men in the second retrial. Dewar said he asked Mrs Nicholas afterwards if the allegations were true but she did not answer. Dewar said he thought Mrs Nicholas had lied under oath and decided not to push the issue because she could have been charged with perjury.

Mr Stanaway said despite hearing on at least two occasions Mrs Nicholas say under oath her allegations of sexual misconduct, Dewar did nothing. Dewar said he faced a dilemma as he had heard Mrs Nicholas give evidence in trials where he knew she was lying.

In a heated cross examination, crown prosecutor Brent Stanaway asked why Dewar had sat in the public gallery for the rape trials of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum - accusing him of being there to support his friends

2007-0806 - NZ Herald - Dewar faces tough questioning over his actions

2007-0806 - Stuff - Dewar faces tough questioning by Crown

2007-0806 - Three News - Heated scenes as Dewar defends himself in court

2007-0807 - The Press - Dewar denies he manipulated case

Ms Nicholas “never told police about allegations         John Dewar has "categorically refuted" allegations that
that she had been raped by three policemen”              he attempted to obstruct or defeat the course of justice.

Photos: Bruce Mercer, Waikato Times

6 August 2007; Dewar begins evidence
John Dewar had no motive to cover-up for suspended assistant commissioner Clint Rickards and former policeman Brad Shipton, the High Court at Hamilton was told today. Dewar's lawyer Paul Mabey QC made the comments when he opened the defence case this morning

John Dewar has taken the stand in his High Court trial, saying Louise Nicholas never told Police about her rape allegations.  Dewar said that Mrs Nicholas never told Police she had been raped by Bob Schollum, Brad Shipton and Clint Rickards. The former Rotorua CIB chief has also categorically refuted allegations, that he attempted to block the course of justice "I categorically refute that allegation. I have always carried out my duties according to my oath without fear or favour,"

Dewar spent much of the morning telling the jury about close friends and even family members he investigated and charged during his police career. He also said the trio were not his close friends and that Nicholas never pushed a complaint. "They weren't known to me. But even if they were it wouldn't have made any difference to the decision that I would have made. If a complaint had been made to me I would have acted on it, I would have investigated," he said

Evidence at the trial has been given by a woman who says Dewar had been involved in group sex sessions as well. Dewar said “I'd never had group sex with Shipton and any woman.”

2007-0806 - Three News - Dewar takes stand in own defence

2007-0806 - Newstalk ZB - Dewar takes stand, denies charges

2007-0806 - Radio NZ - John Dewar gives evidence denying wrong doing

2007-0806 - Stuff - Dewar 'had no motive' to protect Rickards, Shipton

2007-0806 - One News - Dewar denies rape claim cover-up

6 August 2007; John Dewar expected to take stand
John Dewar is expected to give evidence in the High Court at Hamilton today as he defends four counts of attempting to defeat or obstruct the course of justice. It is alleged he covered up rape complaints by Louise Nicholas to help protect his mates. Mr Dewar's defence is that he investigated all the allegations fully, but decided not to proceed with charges because there was not enough evidence

2007-0806 - Newstalk ZB - Top cop to take the stand


Lynch Mob: Attempting to influence result -
Grace Millar - organiser of a protest at the start of the trial