Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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John Dewar - 2007 - Page 3


One News
August 7 2007

Summing up in Dewar case

Former senior police officer John Dewar has been described in the High Court in Hamilton as deceitful and devious but the defence says the prosecution case is unreliable.

The 55-year-old father of four is accused of attempting to cover up rape and sexual assault allegations.

It is alleged the former detective inspector failed to investigate rape and sexual assault allegations made by Louise Nicholas against other policemen.

Prosecutor Brent Stanaway said Dewar's motive was to assist and protect his mates Clint Rickards, Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum but Dewar denies the trio were his mates and his lawyer has slammed the motive as lame.

"I'll be submitting to you that it is so thin, so unreliable and so inherently incredible, that you'll reject it," Paul Mabey says.

"When you're told this big long list of crown witnesses who are at odds with the accused...don't just buy that...think about what was said and ask yourselves really is that conflict," says Mabey.

While giving evidence, Dewar said he was protecting Nicholas by not taking the allegations further once he learned of them during another trial.

But Stanaway says that is not believable.

"Here is this fearless career cop prosecuting all and sundry without fear or favour...yet this career policeman suddenly feels the urge to protect the complainant Louise Nicholas because he's concerned she might be a perjurer," says Stanaway.

The crown told the jury the case has nothing to do with the truth of Nicholas' allegations or the outcome of any related trials but comes down to whether an allegation was ever made.

Dewar has repeatedly said it wasn't.

The judge will direct the jury on Wednesday before it retires to consider its verdict.