Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Mt Maunganui Pack Rape Case

1. Pretrial - From July 2004


NZ Herald
September 22 2004

Judge ponders naming men charged with sex crimes

A judge in the Tauranga District Court has reserved his decision on whether to lift interim name suppression for four men facing rape and abduction charges dating back over 15 years.

Judge Peter Rollo yesterday heard lengthy submissions from the defendants' lawyers on why the names should not be made public before the case goes to a depositions hearing this year.

Tim Allan, representing TV3 owners CanWest, argued for suppression to be lifted.

Judge Rollo suppressed details of yesterday's legal arguments and continued interim suppression of the names, past and present occupations and addresses of the four men.

He said he hoped to announce his decision early next week.

The charges date back to New Year 1989 and relate to events alleged to have occurred at Mt Maunganui.

They include rape, unlawful sexual connection and detaining without consent.

The four were arrested in July by police investigating the alleged rape of Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas, but the complaints were separate to that case.

The Nicholas case is still under investigation and no charges have been laid.