Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Mt Maunganui Pack Rape Case

4. Verdict  July 2005


July 6 2005

Pack-rape men's families 'devastated'

A relative of one of four men found guilty of pack-raping a woman at Mount Maunganui 16 years ago said today the jury returned the wrong decision, devastating the lives of "good people".

The unnamed woman is related to one of two accused men, aged 47 and 53, whose identities remain suppressed by extensive court orders.

The two men were convicted along with 46-year-old Mt Maunganui businessman Peter Mana McNamara and 40-year-old Tauranga fireman Warren Graham Hales of abducting and raping a 20-year-old woman in January 1989.

The relative said today she was "stunned" by the decision of the eight-woman, four-man jury which was returned after 12 hours of deliberation.

"I could tell by looking at them as came in that they weren't going to deliver great news, but I just always had an innate belief in the justice system," she told National Radio.

Asked if she thought the jury "got it wrong", the woman replied: "I absolutely do".

The now 37-year-old victim, who now lives Australia with her husband and three children, lodged a complaint with police in April 2004 while on holiday in New Zealand.

She told the court the men lured her into a hut on the pretext of having a lunch date with the 47-year-old, but once there she was bound and raped. The men maintained the woman orchestrated consensual group sex and denied restraining her.

The families of the four accused were all standing by the men, the relative said.

"I have always thought these men are good people. Nothing has changed about who they are or how we feel about them."

The woman said she had not questioned or doubted her relative over the incident. "That's not my role. It's not what I was put on this earth for."

The relatives had compassion for the victim who was "another human being".

"To come forward all those years later, the question it raises is 'at whose instigation and why?'," she said.

The victim was "very sad" and had something happen in her life that had made the trial important to her. "I hope she heals but I don't think this is going to heal her."

The trial had been "a hideous experience" for the families.

"It's exposing parts of someone's lives you'd never normally hear about; their reputation, how people perceive them.

"I'm so shocked at the amount of people who are prepared to stand up and repeat conversations they heard from 14 years from someone else, from someone else, and what they thought of it.

"It's an amazing experience of human nature."

The family had also been shown compassion and support from many friends and family, she said.

"My family are devastated. We're a very, very close family. It just takes one of our special people out of our lives for a while."

The four men were remanded in custody until August 5 for sentencing.

The two men with name suppression were also found guilty of unlawful sexual violation and the 47-year-old was convicted of a second rape charge. Both men were acquitted of sexually violating the woman with an object.