Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Mt Maunganui Pack Rape Case

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This page last updated August 6 2005

2005-0724 - Sunday Star Times - A matter of rape trial and error
by Vanessa Schuster - I sat through the trial ("Wife of rape accused stands by her man", July 17) every day and, apart from the evidence of the complainant, could not see how the jury could have possibly convicted. There was enough doubt to raise the Titanic.

2005-0710 - Sunday Star Times - Why, exactly, would a woman wait 16 years?
by Frank Haden - Rape trial juries sometimes bend over backwards to be more than fair to the woman making the accusations. It looks as if this happened in the high-profile "pack rape" convictions in the High Court. There was a time, only a few years ago, when jurors were influenced by defence lawyers and even some judges to favour the accused. They used a woman's sex life as a reason for doubting her unsupported allegations. When it was only her word against that of a man, she would cruelly be called to account for her sexual history

2005-0710 - Sunday Star Times - Rape's a degrading act
by Rosemary McLeod - There'll be a lot of unsettled people after last week's pack rape verdicts, most of them with no link to the case. A woman now living in Australia successfully brought charges of abduction and rape against four men in the Wellington court. This followed events 16 years ago in a Mt Maunganui hut where she was lured one lunchtime, she said, on the basis that she'd meet a man to whom she was attracted.

2005-0707 - Dominion Post - Pack-rape jury 'got it wrong'
by Sophie Neville - A relative of one of the four men found guilty of pack-raping a woman 16 years ago at Mt Maunganui says the jury got it wrong. The unnamed woman is related to one of two accused men, aged 47 and 53, whose identities remain suppressed by extensive court orders……. The relative told National Radio yesterday the families had been absolutely stunned by the verdicts and were sticking by the men. "Nothing has changed about who they are and how we feel about them."

2005-0706 - Bay of Plenty Times - Verdict throws aquatic centre funding into doubt
Yesterday's guilty rape verdict against Mt Maunganui businessman Peter McNamara has thrown uncertainty over a $3 million funding deal for the Tauranga aquatic centre. McNamara, 46, was convicted for his part in the pack rape of a woman at the Mount 16 years ago.

2005-0706 - Stuff - Pack-rape men's families 'devastated'
A relative of one of four men found guilty of pack-raping a woman at Mount Maunganui 16 years ago said today the jury returned the wrong decision, devastating the lives of "good people". The unnamed woman is related to one of two accused men, aged 47 and 53, whose identities remain suppressed by extensive court orders

2005-0706 - Stuff - Rape victim's victory may encourage others to come forward
NZPA - Victims of past rapes may be encouraged to come forward following the conviction yesterday of four men for the gang-rape of a 20-year-old woman at Mount Maunganui 16 years ago, a sexual abuse expert says.  Auckland Sexual Abuse Health Foundation spokeswoman Caroline Day said today other victims of historical sexual abuse may have memories brought up by the case that has been played out for two weeks at the High Court in Wellington.

2005-0706 - Newstalk ZB - Jury tradition questioned
Dr Hodge says the events in the trial happened 16 years ago and it was a "he-said, she-said" situation. He says it would be good to hear just what is going on in the minds of the jury and why they decided on guilty verdicts. He suspects an incident where one of the men said he did not have to rape a woman because he could get any woman he wanted, probably did not endear him to the jury

2005-0706 - Dominion Post - Guilty verdicts in pack-rape case
Muffled sobs turned into wailing when a jury found four men guilty of pack-raping a woman in Mt Maunganui 16 years ago. The men's supporters broke down, despite Justice Ron Young's request for them not to show any reaction while the verdicts were delivered, out of consideration for the jury.

2005-0706 - NZ Herald - 16-year ordeal ends for victim of pack rape
by Staff Reporter and NZPA - A 16-year ordeal for the victim of a gang rape ended yesterday when a jury found four men guilty of luring her to a beach hut and taking turns to violate her. All four were held in custody and will be sentenced on August 5

2005-0706 - Newstalk ZB - Woman's courage praised after guilty verdicts
Rape Crisis is praising the courage of the woman who came forward after 16 years to tell of being pack raped.  …. Auckland director of Rape Crisis, Kim McGregor, says only one percent of rape complaints result in a conviction, so it shows how difficult it is to even bring such a matter to court. She says it is hard for survivors of sexual abuse to speak to anyone about their experiences, let alone the police.

2005-0706 - The Press - Four found guilty in pack-rape trial
Four men were found guilty of pack-raping a woman in Mount Maunganui 16 years ago by a jury in the High Court in Wellington yesterday. The men's female supporters broke down, despite Justice Ron Young's request for them not to show any reaction while the verdicts were delivered out of consideration for the jury.

2005-0705 - Newstalk ZB - Rapists wait to hear fate
The four rapists convicted at the High Court in Wellington today will have to wait another month to find out their fate. Peter McNamara, Warren Hales and two other men whose names are still suppressed were found guilty on 11 of the 13 charges they faced, in connection with the rape and abduction of a woman in Mount Maunganui 16 years ago. None of the men's defence counsel indicated following the convictions today whether their clients will appeal.

2005-0705 - Scoop - Pack-Rape Four Found Guilty
The jury has found four men guilty of pack raping a young woman 16 years ago after 12 hours of deliberation following a two and a half week trial. The four faced charged relating to abducting and raping a woman at Mt Maunganui. The men, whose ages now range from 40 years through to 53 had earlier pleaded not guilty to all charges.
July 5 2005  2:00pm

Based on the lack of concrete evidence that has been presented to warrant a verdict on the basis of "beyond reasonable doubt", this site is extremely concerned that a serious miscarriage of justice has possibly just taken place.

2005-0705 - One News - Guilty verdicts in pack rape case
Four men have been found guilty in the pack rape trial at the High Court in Wellington. The complainant said she was duped into going for a lunch date only to find herself raped by five men, one of whom remains unidentified. Defence lawyers said the woman was lying and the sex was consensual.

2005-0705 - Newstalk ZB - Shock and tears at pack rape verdicts
Shock and tears have followed today's guilty verdicts at the pack rape trial in Wellington….. Newstalk ZB reporter Baden Campbell was in court for the verdicts and says as soon as the female jury foreman began reading them, sobbing could be heard from the public gallery.

2005-0705 - Newstalk ZB - Verdicts in pack rape trial
The jury has delivered its verdicts at the pack rape trial in Wellington. Guilty verdicts have been handed down on five of the six counts. The verdicts were greeted by sobs from the families of the accused in court

2005-0705 - NZ Herald - Pack rape accused found guilty
Four men have been found guilty of abducting and raping a woman at Mt Maunganui 16 years ago.  ….Verdicts were returned just before midday by a jury of eight women and four men. They came at the end of 12 hours of deliberation, following a two and half week trial.  The victim, who is now 37, said that in January 1989, she was lured to a beach hut on the pretext of having lunch with one of the men, and was raped there. The men said she was a willing partner in a group sex session

2005-0705 - Otago Daily Times - Jury told to decide case on facts, not morals
NZPA - Jurors considering the fate of four men charged with pack raping a woman in Mt Maunganui 16 years ago have been told to avoid making a moral judgement. The men say the woman was a willing partner in a group-sex session. Justice Ron Young has told the jury in the High Court at Wellington that they are not in a court of morals. The jury retired to consider its verdicts at noon yesterday and later adjourned for the night

2005-0705 - Dominion Post - Pack rape jury out
Jurors considering the fate of four men charged with pack-raping a woman at Mt Maunganui 16 years ago have been told to avoid making a moral judgment. The men say the woman was a willing partner in a group-sex session.

2005-0704 - Newstalk ZB - Lawyer tells jury it has been lied to
Defence Counsel Rachael Adams told the jury, on behalf of her 40-year-old client, that they have been lied to and that no sugar coating or elegant words can disguise that. Miss Adams then produced 16 reasons why she says the woman complainant cannot be believed. However, she says the most enlightening piece of evidence was the police statement her client produced last year

2005-0704 - Newstalk ZB - Jury expected to retire today in pack rape case
The jury will retire today in the High Court trial of four men accused of pack rape…..In closing their cases last week, the Crown and the defence asked the jury to consider the credibility of the complainant. The Crown said she was consistent and balanced while the defence has argued too much of her evidence did not stack up