Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Mt Maunganui Pack Rape Case

4. Verdict  July 2005


The Press
July 6 2005

Four found guilty in pack-rape trial

Four men were found guilty of pack-raping a woman in Mount Maunganui 16 years ago by a jury in the High Court in Wellington yesterday.

The men's female supporters broke down, despite Justice Ron Young's request for them not to show any reaction while the verdicts were delivered out of consideration for the jury.

The woman whose complaint in April last year led to the trial was also in court, slipping into the back row flanked by police and leaving as soon as the 13 verdicts were read.

The jury found Peter Mana McNamara, 46, of Mount Maunganui, Warren Graham Hales, 40, of Tauranga, and two men, aged 47 and 53, whose names are still suppressed, guilty of abducting and raping the woman.

The men whose names were suppressed were acquitted of sexually violating the woman with an object, but both were convicted of separate sexual violation charges and the 47-year-old was convicted on an extra rape charge.

Key details in the case remain suppressed, but Justice Young refused to continue name suppression for McNamara and Hales.

All four are in custody pending sentencing on August 5.

The woman, now 37, told the jury she had fancied one of the men and through a go-between arranged what she thought was lunch with him in January 1989. Instead she was lured to a hut where her hands were bound and she was raped and subjected to other indecencies.

The men said it was she who had suggested sex and had been a willing partner in everything that happened. It was denied she had been restrained or that an object was used during the incident.

The jury had begun considering its verdicts at noon on Monday and returned with a result a few minutes before noon yesterday. The trial began on June 20.

The judge excused jurors from serving on another jury for 10 years, in recognition of the burden he said they had carried.