Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Mt Maunganui Pack Rape Case

4. Verdict  July 2005


Sunday Star Times
July 24 2005

A matter of rape trial and error
Letter to the Editor
by Vanessa Schuster, Wellington

I sat through the trial ("Wife of rape accused stands by her man", July 17) every day and, apart from the evidence of the complainant, could not see how the jury could have possibly convicted. There was enough doubt to raise the Titanic.

I am a 34 year-old mother and law student in my final semester at Victoria University's School of Law, Wellington. I also have a BA in sociology and a postgrad diploma in criminology.

The complainant must have been a very credible witness because the jurors, by returning a guilty verdict, meant they disbelieved the defendants' accounts and character accounts of their honesty. The families and wives and partners of the defendants are victims of this most unlikely verdict.

If one of the accused gave evidence or one of the four defence counsel was addressing the court or a witness, at least two of the jurors would giggle to themselves, pass notes to each other, play with their hair and pay little attention. I have huge respect for juries as part of our criminal justice system, but to my mind justice was not delivered in this instance.