Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Mt Maunganui Pack Rape Case

5. Sentencing  Aug 2005


One News
August 5 2005

Men jailed for historic pack rape

Four men have been jailed in the High Court at Wellington for the pack rape of a woman in Mount Maunganui 16 years ago.

The men were found guilty of abducting and raping the then 20-year-old woman in January 1989.

Justice Young said Peter McNamara, and two other men whose names are suppressed, took part in a premeditated gang rape and then bragged about having consensual group sex.

McNamara, a business manager from Mt Maunganui, was jailed for seven years, and the other two for eight and eight and a half years. Young said Warren Hales, 40, a firefighter from Papamoa who was jailed for five and a half years, played a lesser role but had lacked strength of character and had succumbed to the pack mentality.

Sentencing was based on legislation in 1989 when the crime was committed. Young described the crime as pack rape in the worst sense and deeply disgraceful.

Young said the ringleader in the pack rape successfully intimidated the victim to stop her complaining. He said the attack was planned, with one of the unnamed men who acted as the effective ringleader later turning up at the victim's motel unit and intimidating her.

The 37-year-old victim, who now lives in Australia, broke down as she told the court of the damage done to her life and that the rape was like a noose around her neck. She said it affected her health, career and relationships with men and told how she had gone from a self assured woman to someone anxious and unable to look after her self.

Jurors spent more than two weeks hearing evidence and submissions, and took 12 hours to deliver the guilty verdicts. The complainant said she was duped into going for a lunch date only to find herself raped by five men - one of whom remains unidentified. Defence lawyers said the woman was lying and the sex was consensual.

After the verdict there was a huge outpouring of emotion from the public gallery with family members of the accused bursting into tears. And they were again in court for the sentencing, describing the convicted men as good family men providing a service to their community - prompting tears from some of the prisoners.