Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Mt Maunganui Pack Rape Case

Earlier     5. Sentencing  Aug 2005     Next


This page last updated February 8 2006

2005-1222 - NZ Herald - Appeal set for Mt Maunganui rapists
New February 8 2006
Four men convicted in July of the pack rape of a 20-year-old woman at Mount Maunganui will have their appeals heard early next year

2005-1222 - Radio Live - Rape appeals to be heard early next year
New February 8 2006
Four men convicted in July of the pack rape of a 20-year-old woman at Mount Maunganui 16 years ago, will have their appeals heard early next year….. The Court of Appeal says their two-day appeal is set down to start on February 7

2005-0903 - The Press - Rape appeal
A fourth man found guilty of pack- raping a woman at Mount Maunganui 16 years ago has filed an appeal against his conviction

2005-0901 - Newstalk ZB - Rapist's company dumped by Council
The Tauranga City Council has dumped the company of convicted rapist Peter McNamara. McNamara is one of four men jailed for the rape of a woman at Mount Maunganui 16 years ago.

2005-0824 - NZ Herald - Third pack-rape appeal
A third man from the Mt Maunganui pack-rape case has appealed against his convictions and the 8 1/2-year jail term he received. Two other men have already filed their appeals.

2005-0823 - One News - Appeal against pack rape convictions
New February 7 2006
Three of four men convicted of pack raping a young woman in Mount Maunganui 16 years ago have appealed against their convictions.

2005-0823 - NZ Herald - Mt Maunganui pack-rape pair appeal
Two of four men found guilty of pack raping a 20-year-old woman at Mt Maunganui 16 years ago have lodged appeals

2005-0823 - The Press - Conviction Appeal
Two of four men found guilty of pack raping a 20-year-old woman at Mount Maunganui 16 years ago have appealed their convictions

2005-0806 - NZ Herald - 'Loving husbands' sent to jail
Two men jailed for a pack rape 16 years ago wept yesterday as their wives told the High Court they were loving fathers and husbands. Four men were sent to prison for between 5 1/2 and 8 1/2 years for the rape of a 20-year-old woman at Mt Maunganui in 1989. Justice Ronald Young told the High Court at Wellington that the men had taken part in "deeply disgraceful acts" and three had planned what was a gang rape in the worst sense.

2005-0806 - Newstalk ZB - Rape Crisis welcomes sentence
Auckland Rape Crisis agency manager Rachel Harrison says it is very difficult to get a case to the courts, and have enough proof to secure a conviction. She says there are many reasons a woman doesn't complain about a sexual assault at the time, and it is good that historic sex cases can still be heard in New Zealand, as this is not the case in every country. Ms Harrison is also commending the woman at the centre of the case, saying she has done an amazing job.

2005-0806 - Dominion Post - Pack rape victim tells of lost life
The victim of a pack rape in Mt Maunganui 16 years ago says she was left a shell of her former self and still grieves for the normal life she lost. In a rare move, she returned to the High Court at Wellington yesterday to read out her victim impact statement in a room filled with the convicted rapists and their families and friends.

2005-0805 - One News - Men jailed for historic pack rape
Four men have been jailed in the High Court at Wellington for the pack rape of a woman in Mount Maunganui 16 years ago. The men were found guilty of abducting and raping the then 20-year-old woman in January 1989

2005-0805 - NZ Herald - Men jailed for Mount Maunganui pack rape
Four men convicted last month of a pack rape at Mt Mauganui 16 years ago have been jailed for between 5-1/2 and 8-1/2 years. Peter Mana McNamara, 46, a Mt Maunganui businessman, Tauranga fireman Warren Graham Hales, 40, and two men aged 47 and 53, whose names are suppressed, were found guilty of unlawfully detaining and raping a 20-year-old woman. The two unnamed men were also found guilty of unlawful sexual violation and one of them was convicted of a second rape charge. Both men were acquitted of sexually violating the woman with an object.

2005-0805 - Newstalk ZB - Rape victim speaks of impact
The woman, who now lives in Australia, says she is continuing to grieve for a normal life that she has not been able to live. The 36-year-old says she has had several health problems brought on by the rape, including stress and chronic back pain. During the trial process, she says she found it hurtful and distressing that the public formed an opinion about her without personally knowing her.

2005-0805 - Newstalk ZB - Sentencing.htm
Four men who abducted and pack raped a woman at Mt Maunganui 16 years ago have been sentenced today at the High Court in Wellington. The men, aged from 40 to 53, were found guilty last month, after a two-and-a-half week trial. The jury rejected their defence that the woman had been a willing partner in a group sex session.