Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Abuse of Prisoners by Police - Main Index

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This page last updated March 10 2005

2005-0304 - TV1-CloseUp - Cops and Kids
Tonight there's a fresh allegation of cops going too far. Another young person claims Senior Sergeant Anthony Solomona assaulted him at a Pacific secondary schools music festival.

2005-0304 - One News - Fresh allegations against Solomona
There is a fresh allegation against Senior Sergeant Anthony Solomona, who has this week appeared in court on six charges of assault in three separate incidents. A family has spoken to Close Up alleging their boy, who was 15-years-old at the time, was mistreated by Solomona, who was head of the Wiri police emergency response unit.

2005-0304 - Newstalk ZB - PCA ineffective says top lawyer
An Auckland lawyer claims more people have not come forward with concerns about abuse from police because of the ineffectiveness of the Police Complaints Authority……..Convener of the Auckland District Law Society Criminal Committee Robin Brown says you cannot make a complaint to the PCA until the case has been through the courts. Mr Brown says the victim often just wants to get on with their life by the time the case is over.

2005-0304 - NZ Police - Appalling behaviour won't be tolerated
Press Release - "The appalling behaviour of a few officers in South Auckland who featured in a recent trial will not be tolerated within Police, the Assistant Commissioner for Crime and Crash Reduction, Peter Marshall, said today. The initial indications are that this involves only a small group of officers in the Counties Manukau District," said Mr Marshall.

Assistant Commissioner Peter Marshall

2005-0304 - One News - Police to stop "appalling" behaviour
A criminal lawyer says an inquiry into the conduct of police officers in south Auckland is not before time. Criminal Bar Association immediate past-president, Robin Brown, says he's not surprised by the case because he hears frequently of "wanton violence in police cells."

2005-0304 - Daily News - Police deny 'sick' culture claims
by Haydon Dewes - Police bosses and the Police Association have hit back at claims that prisoners are routinely photographed while being humiliated by officers, and have strongly denied police culture is "sick". But Green MP Keith Locke said the practice, which he likened to the photographs taken of American soldiers torturing prisoners in Iraq's Abu Gharib prison, could be a sign of a wider problem within the force and has called for an independent inquiry

2005-0304 - NZ Herald - Police move to stamp out 'sick' culture
by David Eames and Louisa Cleave - Police moved swiftly yesterday to set up a sweeping inquiry into what a judge described as a "sick" culture within the force. Announcing the investigation, Assistant Police Commissioner Peter Marshall said he wanted to maintain public confidence in the police. "I want to assure the public that police will do everything to identify any other culprits and put an end to this abhorrent kind of behaviour as quickly as possible.

2005-0304 - NZ Herald - Dob in mates only if leaks malicious
by Louisa Cleave - Counties Manukau police are still being encouraged to dob in their colleagues who pass information to the media - but they must first decide if the leak was "malicious and mischievous". District Commander Superintendent Steve Shortland has labelled staff who speak anonymously to media as "traitors" and suggested they did it for money, a free lunch, sex or out of stupidity

2005-0304 - Newstalk ZB - Former cop concerned about "jokes"
A former police officer is concerned that behaviour police are brushing off as jokes could be just the tip of the iceberg. Senior Sergeant Anthony Solomona, from the Wiri-based emergency response unit, has been found guilty of assaulting a 17-year-old suspect, but acquitted on three further charges of assault and one of assault with a weapon.

2005-0304 - Dominion Post - Police deny 'sick' practices
by Haydon Dewes - Police bosses and the Police Association have hit back at claims that prisoners are routinely photographed while being humiliated by officers, and have strongly denied a "sick" police culture. But Green MP Keith Locke said the practice, which he likened to the photographs taken of American soldiers torturing prisoners in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, could be a sign of a wider problem within the force and has called for an independent inquiry.

Keith Locke in Parliament

2005-0304 - Newstalk ZB - Greens want inquiry into police behaviour
The Greens want an independent inquiry into a what is being described as Abu Ghraib-type behaviour by police. Photos showing a young offender with a demeaning sign around his neck and a masked police officer brandishing an axe and machete were revealed at a recent trial involving a senior police officer. Green Party police spokesman Keith Locke says something needs to be done before such problems become commonplace

2005-0304 - Otago Daily Times - Police behaviour ‘sick’: judge
NZPA - Police activities described by a judge as “sick” would not be tolerated, high-ranking police officers said yesterday. Senior Sergeant Anthony Laime Solomona was found guilty yesterday of assaulting a 17-year-old youth on the forecourt of a Manurewa service station in February last year. During the trial, the court heard it was common police practice to photograph prisoners being humiliated by officers, prompting a scathing comment on police culture from a district court judge

Police Association President, Greg O'Connor

2005-0304 - Otago Daily Times - Police boss moves to qualify harsh words
NZPA - Counties Manukau District Commander Superintendent Steve Shortland said yesterday a harsh newsletter he wrote criticising staff who leaked information to the media was not directed at genuine whistleblowers. New Zealand First law and order spokesman Ron Mark accused Supt Shortland of launching a witch-hunt against whistle-blowers and criticised the “intemperate” language in the newsletter

Steve Shortland