The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

1994 Documents

Queries about role of Rosemary Frances Smart


1994-0221 - Letter - Kathy Phillips (Ministry Education)
Rosemary Frances Smart

"New phenomenon" of daycare abuseKathy Phillips, Senior Manager, National Operations, Ministry Education
to W Wealleans, Christchurch

With reference to the [Smart Report] I have to advise you that the Ministry of Education holds no notes, information or any other material related to this report. The Ministry of Education was not consulted while the report was being compiled.

1994-0222 - Letter - Gregory Heath (NZ Police)
Rosemary Frances Smart

Report assumed Ellis was guiltyGregory Heath, Detective Sergeant, NZ Police
to W H Wealleans; R Keys; Christchurch

This meeting (held on 7 September 1992 between the secretary of the Southern Local Government Offices Union, Mr Peter Lawson, and senior Police officers concerning the Civic Creche Child Care Centre) occurred in the offices of Detective Superintendent Stokes and was attended by Mr Stokes and Detective Inspector Pearce. No notes or minutes of that meeting were made.

1994-0303 - Letter - Paul Fitzharris (NZ Police)
Rosemary Frances Smart

"Experts in the field of sexual abuse treatment would say that sexual abuse can take place anywhere, anytime, in full view of other people, without it necessarily being detected"Paul Fitzharris, Superintendent, NZ Police
to W H Wealleans; R Keys; Christchurch

Ms Smart was employed by the Christchurch City Council to conduct a review examining the management and supervision practices of the Civic Child Care Centre and make recommendations for any changes that needed to be made. Ms Smart at no time was a sworn or unsworn member of Police, special constable or Police representative in any way.

1994-0308 - Letter - Ian Hassall (Commissioner for Children)
IB Hassall; Commissioner for Children
to WH Wealleans, Christchurch

Neither I nor Ms Wood nor any other member of my staff to my knowledge have seen Ms Smart's report or any notes or drafts of it. Nor do we have any notes pertaining to the preparation of that report. …….Ms Wood recalls a telephone conversation with Ms Smart initiated by Ms Smart in which they discussed published papers known to them on the subject of child abuse in day care centres. Following this Ms Wood sent two papers as she recalls which I enclose with this letter.

also refer to "the Pinocchio Files"

Beth Wood

Gave Smart "papers on child abuse"          
   Ms Beth Wood             Dr Ian Hassall         Ms Rosemary Smart