2000-1012 Michael Petherick (MOJ) to Val Sim (MOJ) new May 21 2009
From Michael
Petherick (MOJ)
To Val Sim (MOJ)
Sent October 12, 2000 10:04 AM
Subject PETER
Hi Val: We have received a message received from Sir Thomas Eichelbaum today.
It relates to depositions material and exhibits that we will need to forward
to Dr Sas and Professor Davies. He will also forward sections of his draft
report for formatting on Friday.
As you will see, Sir Thomas has asked us to confirm whether the exhibits he
has been forwarded are complete. AT the time the inquiry was set up, we
requested that the Court send the Ministry all exhibits from the preliminary
hearing and trial, with the exclusion of the evidential video interviews and
transcripts which were the subject of restrictions under the Evidence
(Videotaping of Child Complainants) Regulations. We duly received a bundle of
exhibits from the Court, and then subsequently received a second set on 4
April 2000 from the Crown Solicitor’s office (Chris Lange)
For convenience, Chris Lange also prepared a schedule outlining the exhibits
that had been located and sent to the Ministry to date. However the schedule
contained a rider noting that, following the conclusion of the first appeal,
a number of the exhibits that were seized in the course of the investigation
were returned, and were no longer in the possession of the Crown or Police.
Chris offered locate these other exhibits if we requested. We subsequently
forwarded this letter to Sir Thomas.
In summary, the exhibits that have been forwarded to Sir Thomas to date are
not complete. However, he should be aware of this.
We might want to outline all of this to him in an email, draw his attention
to the letter, and ask him if he wants to consider whether any of the
exhibits are material to the inquiry and should be located. I’m happy to do
that, and ensure that all the material is sent to the experts. Would it be
possible for Anne or Brendan to format the draft? There is probably no real
rush for it
Thanks: Michael.
2000-1011 Thomas Eichelbaum to Michael Petherick (MOJ new May 21 2009
From Thomas Eichelbaum
To Michael Petherick (MOJ)
Sent October 11, 2000 8:38 PM
Subject PETER
“I am attaching an extensive set of Notes relating to the Depositions. I have
highlighted a number of references to documentary evidence.
It would be of great assistance if you could assemble 3 sets of these
documents, and despatch one to each of Professor Davies and Dr Sas, and the
third to me.
As mentioned previously, I have a folder of photocopies of exhibits, which I
will deliver to your office this Friday. However I do not know how complete
it is, or whether the relevant ones will all be of sufficient quality to copy
further, legibly. You may have to search out the originals.
I will also deliver a disk containing some 140 pages of draft. I hope someone
in your office will be able to format this for meand return it. I would like
the formatting to be set up in a style that would be appropriate to the final
report. No doubt you could give guidance on this, in line with previous
experience. Of course this needs to be tretaed confidentially.
With tanks and best regards. Thomas
2000-1006 Val Sim
letter to - Thomas Eichelbaum
2000-0916 Thomas Eichelbaum - letter to - Val Sim
2000-0912 Thomas Eichelbaum - letter to - Val Sim
2000-0907 Val Sim
letter to - Louise Sas
Depositions, Trial and Sentencing Material
2000-0830 Thomas Eichelbaum - letter to - Val Sim
"This is to inform you of progress. ….it proved
longer and more difficult than anticipated to check out, appoint and make the
arrangements with the International Experts, as required by the Terms of
Reference. Despite constant attention, it was only possible to engage the
second expert this week."
2000-0824 Thomas Eichelbaum - letter to - Phil Goff
"I recommend that you extend the time for my
own report to 28 February 2001"
2000-0823 Thomas Eichelbaum - letter to - Val Sim
re experts: "Our first choice declined the
offer. A few days ago we completed arrangements with our second choice, and
the materials have been despatched to him……I am negotiating with two others,
and hope to conclude satisfactory arrangements with one or other soon"
2000-0815 Louise Sas - letter to - Thomas Eichelbaum
In discussing costs and conditions: "My best
guess with respect to writing the report is that it will likely take me twice
as long as I think it will"
2000-0812 Amye Warren - letter to - Thomas Eichelbaum
"I would be intrigued by the opportunity to
serve as an expert in this inquiry, and would be quite interested in doing
so." However I am not certain that I could provide my recommendations in
the time frame allotted"
2000-0811 Louise Sas - letter to - Thomas Eichelbaum
"I am very flattered that you would consider me
as a consultant for this "inquiry"….. I am very busy at the moment
involved in a number of high profile criminal matters of child abuse. However
2000-0807 Michael Petherick - letter to - Val Sim
"Shall I reply to Sir Thomas?" "His suggestion to wait for replies from
Dr Sas and Prof Warren seems sensible"
2000-0804 Michael Petherick - letter to - Thomas
"You now hold all the tapes of the child
complainant interviews that were produced at depositions or at trial"
2000-0804 Graham Davies - letter to - Thomas
"Lets try for the end of November" (re provisional timeline for report)
2000-0803 Thomas Eichelbaum - letter to - Graham
"I was very pleased to hear you were willing to
take this on. ….The only problem is timing. I was hopeful of being able to
receive a report rather earlier - November, to be frank."
2000-0803 Thomas Eichelbaum - letter to - Michael
"Michael, following a discussion with Val
today, I have sent e-mails to Dr Sas and Prof Warren - the latter, in the
form of an enquiry only"
2000-0801 Thomas Eichelbaum - letter to - Michael
"Michael, attached is a message received this
morning fom Prof Davies. We need to have a talk about this"
2000-0801 Graham Davies - letter to - Thomas
"In principle I would be happy to assist in
this investigation"