The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

2003 Documents

The Petition of Lynley Hood et al - Index

The Petition of Lynley Hood and Don Brash and 807 others

We the undersigned petition the House of Representatives to urge the Government to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry, presided over by a Judge or Judges from outside the New Zealand jurisdiction, to enquire into all aspects of the investigation and legal processes relating to the Christchurch Civic Creche case.

The case is one of great public and professional concern, and raises serious questions about the administration of justice and the working of existing laws which must be addressed.

Aug 28 2003 - The Petition

Submission by Lynley Hood

Aug 28 2003 -  Ministry of Justice

Submission by Val Sim

Oct 11 2003 - The Petitioners
Response to Ministry of Justice submission by Lynley Hood

Oct 17 2003 - Ministry of Justice
Response to Petitioners submission by Val Sim

Dec 10 2003 - Justice and Electoral Committee;     (to be added)
Transcript of oral submission by Lynley Hood, George Barton, Bernard Robertson and Maryanne Garry

Dec 10 2003 - Justice and Electoral Committee      (pdf)
Transcript of oral submission by Ministry of Justice: Val Sim and Melanie Gudsell