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John Read: Flawed research on consequences of abuse

This page last updated Jan 26 2005

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Photo: Dr John Read
(Devonport Flagstaff).

1997 - Early warnings to Read that his "research" is flawed

As far back as 1997, John Read was suggesting that the "staggering findings" in his research would "suggest we can no longer deny the possibility of a causal link between childhood trauma and supposedly biological/genetic illnesses such as schizophrenia".

(Keane, Sunday Star Times, Oct 26, 1997) 

And even at this early stage he was warned that his methodology was shonky: In reply he was told that "his so-called link declares an abysmal ignorance of basic scientific tests. Theories must be testable, falsifiable, capable of peer review, and have a known error rate. Association does not prove causality"

(Waugh, Sunday Star Times, Nov 2, 1997)

Another reader, who has schizophrenia told him bluntly:  "People with schizophrenia need protection from themselves and it seems also from over-zealous academics"

(Goode, Sunday Star Times, Nov 2, 1997)

1997 - Read responds to the criticism

Read quickly responded

(Read, Sunday Star Times, Nov 9, 1997),

in what was to become a characteristic theme. Those who would question his science, and conclusions, are guilty of "not being ready to face the facts of abuse".This is a first indication of his lack of objectivity on the subject of abuse and it's consequences, and his readiness to resort to ad hominem attacking of those who do not share his beliefs. .

Read did not respond to any of the serious concerns that Waugh raised. Instead he accuses Waugh of "not wanting to accept" the (non detailed) conclusions of 15 (unnamed) "separate studies".  In response to Goode, Read claims that (unnamed) "research shows" that Goode is wrong in her claim that it "is common practice for people suffering with schizophrenia" to lie about abuse "when they become deluded and over-imaginative". 

Read is given another warning that his research conclusions are flawed.  The COSA editorial in December tells Read quite clearly the reasons why.

(COSA newsletter Dec 1997).  Read is taught:

(a) what psychology undergraduates typically learn in their first year: "Just because two things appear to occur together (have some association) it cannot be concluded that there is a causal relationship"

(b) Reports of past abuse are not the same as proven events. False reports may be deliberate or the result of suggestive questioning

(c) Contrary to Read’s claims, people suffering from acute psychosis are more likely than the average person to claim events that did not happen. Delusions and being out of touch with reality are hallmarks of this condition

The editorial goes on to remind Read of other reasons why he should quickly have second thoughts on what he publicly says.

2000 - Read becomes an "expert" on his flawed research

Read did not thank his critics for their quick advice. He completely ignored them, and continued to beat his "abuse causes schizophrenia" drum. By 2000, a startled world were wanting to check out the basis of his research - in much the same way that Cold Fusion was an exciting possibility. Read was far from being ostracised for his lack of scholarship.  He was off to Norway!

(North Shore Times Advertiser, Jun 6, 2000)

The news was a shock to those who thought that the University may have imposed some academic supervision on Read.  Gordon Waugh wrote back reminding those who were interested in Read's claims that

"To justify his claim, Read's "research" must meet elemental scientific standards by showing clear proof through credible external verification, that patients studied were in fact genuinely abused, and that no other possible cause of the disorder existed. It must clearly distinguish between metaphor and reality, and between cause and association. His pet theory is fatally flawed. It failed on all these counts and wrongly assumed a causal link between abuse and a mental disorder. Parents and families of people suffering with schizophrenia will be distressed and disgusted to learn that Dr Read continues to promote his unsubstantiated, daft and odious gospel."

(Waugh, North Shore Times Advertiser, Jun 13, 2000)

2000 - Read misinterprets why his research is "controversial"

Those who listened to Read in Norway were obviously polite.  Read reported on his return "I was very excited about how well it was received at the conference at Norway"  Read still has no idea why his research is controversial. Read attributes the controversial nature of his findings to his thinking that he is "challenging the medical establishment view that schizophrenia is a disease". 

(Drent, Devonport Flagstaff, July 13, 2000)

He appears to have no appreciation that his research methodology is appallingly flawed.

Read would do well to go back to what he should have learnt from the COSA editorial three years earlier:

(COSA newsletter Dec 1997)

2002 – (January)  Read reports (again) his flawed research, and is promptly criticised

Read still beats his child abuse drum – saying that child abuse will have played a role for a significant proportion of people diagnosed as schizophrenic.  It seems that Read’s “research” is simply asking patients if they have been abused.   Read is still paying no attention to the advice of Waugh in November 1997 (report above) that Read’s “so-called link declares an abysmal ignorance of basic scientific tests. Theories must be testable, falsifiable, capable of peer review, and have a known error rate. Association does not prove causality"

NZPA - Stuff report - "Researchers report link"


Read’s research fails to impress emeritus professor of psychiatry at Auckland University. Dr John Werry, insisted that the illness was genetic and needed medication. "Though one needs to be cautious, the highest probability... is that it is a genetic disorder, and that the answer will not come from studies like Dr Read's but from molecular biology."
NZPA - Stuff report - Experts at odds


2002 – (October)  Read involved in "training" clinical staff based on his "research"

Read appears to have done no more than what he reported five years earlier, referring to his "15 international studies". But he has convinced the Auckland District Health Board to allow him to be involved in "training" clinical staff - most worryingly in "how and when to ask patients about abuse as a child"

(Johnston, NZ Herald Oct 5,2002)

Gordon Waugh responds in a letter to the editor: The glaring flaw is that accounts of abuse will not be externally corroborated. Treatment will not be based on testable evidence of genuine abuse. The ADHB needs its head read and its knuckles rapped for wasting funds and staff time on this baloney. Psychiatric patients, their parents - and the alleged perpetrators - deserve much better than this.

(Gordon Waugh, 2002)

Read responds by lying about what Waugh has said.  Read: "His regurgitation of the old myth that when distressed people tell us about awful events in their childhoods they should not be believed is particularly sad".

(Read, NZ Herald  Oct 9, 2002).


Gordon Waugh had said no such thing.   Kayleen Katene, from the Mental Health Foundation also defends Read's "training" programmes by referring to "the wisdom of training mental health professionals to ask skilful and sensitive questions about childhood trauma and abuse as a routine part of mental health assessments.

(Katene, NZ Herald  Oct 9, 2002)

Read and Katene are told: "Uncorroborated reports of abuse are notoriously unreliable. Asking psychiatric patients about abuse histories invites inaccurate responses. Deciding treatment on the basis of unverified abuse histories is unscientific and naïve. A little fact-finding, and a lot less assumption, belief and ideology, would better serve their needs"

(Gordon Waugh, 2002)

2003 - Read and hallucinations

Read extends his “research”. Hallucinations as well as schizophrenia. Same methodology. Same conclusions. Same flaws.

(Johnston, NZ Herald Mar 14, 2003)

The last word from

(Waugh, NZ Herald March 18, 2003):

"Read's "research" has consistently failed to provide independent corroboration or testable evidence of such abuse, yet has recklessly linked abuse to schizophrenia and now links abuse to hallucinations of vision and all other senses.

Until he can provide acceptable proof of abuse, he has again misled the public.

This reflects poorly on academic standards at the University of Auckland"

2004 - Read's proposed book "Models of Madness" criticised

Another year passes.  Same 'ol, same 'ol.  In 2004, Read continues with his theme.  "Read's research suggests that childhood abuse is often a factor in causing schizophrenia. He cites a Dutch study of more than 4000 people that found the risk of serious psychosis was nine times greater in those abused as children".  Read says that the book he is an editor for will argue that "little, if any, evidence existed that schizophrenia was a biological disease arising from a genetic predisposition - the 'medical model'." 

(Johnston, NZ Herald, March 10, 2004)

But Dr Ian Goodwin, of the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, says ideas in the book "fly in the face of all scientific evidence". Dr Goodwin goes onto say that "Read's ideas were naïve"

Nothing seems to have changed much in Read's work.  He appears to regurgitate the same story - in the seven years from 1997 to 2004. Conclusions have not advanced from the familiar word of "suggestion" as in "Read's research suggests" It’s a useful little word, that is able to hide a lack of real scientific data.

This site says that Read should stop writing articles and books for a while - long enough to do some actual research, so that seven years from now he may have something more than vapour to suggest, or that he is professional enough to say that he has made a professional boo boo.

This site is also extremely surprised that the University of Auckland allows Read to continue with such shoddy academic work. It’s not a case of academic freedom allowing a staff member to advance their own theories – it is a case of having a staff member producing work that does not meet what this site would expect of a so called professional.   Read’s unknown professional qualifications deserve a close examination, in light of the information presented on this page.