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John Read’s failed attempt to silence Elizabeth Loftus

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Photo: Dr John Read
(Devonport Flagstaff)

John Read, a supposed academic - wants to stop freedom of speech!

John Read again demonstrates that he has no objectivity about the subject of child sexual abuse.

Report : (McLoughlin, Dominion, Aug 5, 2000)

John Read resigns in protest to invitation to Dr Elizabeth Loftus to speak
A row over academic freedom has erupted after attempts by a group of child sexual abuse campaigners to have a leading American academic stopped from giving a keynote speech to the New Zealand Psychological Society's annual conference this month. The dispute is so bitter that an executive member of the society, John Read of Auckland University, has resigned in protest at the society's refusal to revoke its invitation to Elizabeth Loftus of the University of Washington in Seattle.  (McLoughlin, Dominion, Aug 5, 2000)

Why !!?
"Opponents say" ...."her research is flawed"

Fortunately some academics disagreed with Read!
The society's conference convenor, Michael O'Driscoll, said the issue was one of academic freedom.. "Academic freedom is paramount at our conferences. Dr Read strongly opposes Professor Loftus's views and said by inviting her we were endorsing her. That is not so. We are not endorsing her views, we are giving her the opportunity to state them"

Victoria University psychology lecturer Maryanne Garry, who worked with Professor Loftus in Seattle, said her opponents thought it was wrong for someone to do the scientific equivalent of raising a hand from the back of the room and asking, "Are we sure about this?"

Elizabeth Loftus responded herself: "I live in a country where freedom of speech is one of the most cherished possessions that citizens have. Who would choose to live without it? I would hope that people would stand up against those who try to take it away" 
(Loftus, Dominion, Aug 12, 2000)

Did John Read's petulant efforts achieve anything?

No. It simply made John Read look very stupid. 

It probably also highlighted what a significant figure Elizabeth Loftus is in the world on the subject of Memory.

Her address was covered in the news media by reports such as:

2000-0902 - Evening Post - Thanks for the memories

by Diana Dekker - Some psychologists lost their cool this week when Professor Elizabeth Loftus visited New Zealand to speak at the Psychological Society's annual conference. Diana Dekker finds out why. ......The clash was over the presence of Professor Elizabeth Loftus. She's world famous in psychological circles.

2000-0901 - The Press - Child sex abuse: uncovering the danger of suggestion

by David McLoughlin - A visiting American psychologist questions the belief that therapists can recover suppressed memories of childhood sexual abuse. She caused quite a stir even before her arrival, finds David McLoughlin ...........Before she even arrived in New Zealand, she was attacked. Several members of the Psychological Society sought revocation of her invitation to deliver a keynote speech to the society's conference in Hamilton last weekend. One of them, Dr John Read, of Auckland University, resigned from the society's executive in protest when the conference's organisers stood firmly in favour of Professor Loftus speaking.

2000-0829 - Dominion - Is this an abuse of the truth?

by David McLoughlin - Research by psychology professor Elizabeth Loftus has debunked the recovered memory theory that she says has led to people being falsely accused of sexual abuse. David McLoughlin asks her why she courts so much controversy.