Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations - Index


Opinion and Comment - 2002

This page last updated Jan 7 2005

2002-1116 - Dominion Post - System failing falsely accused, says QC
by Mark Stevens - Innocent people accused of rape are enduring terrifying court trials because of systemic failures in the justice system, a Wellington QC has warned. Donald Stevens said false rape complaints were surfacing frequently. He questioned how much radical feminists and rape crisis organisations were to blame. "False complaints are altogether too common ... false complaints from men and from women."

2002-0922 - NZ Herald - The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex
Reviewed by Alison Jones - More shocking are the stories Levine has amassed to illustrate a moral panic: .......... the countless false allegations of bizarre abuse by childcare workers, teachers and parents; .......

2002-0330 - Sydney Morning Herald - Foster carers accused (Australia)
by Adele Horin - Almost one-quarter of foster parents surveyed have been accused of abusing the children in their care. In the first national poll of its kind, it is estimated the figure of 23 per cent is probably conservative given the shame attached to abuse and the exodus of accused carers from the system..

2002-0305 - The Press - Allegations concern foster carers
by Kelly Andrew - Foster carers fear their reputations have been tarnished by allegations made against a North Island couple.

2002-0212 - Dominion - Molesters rationalise abuse - counsellor
by Ross Henderson;  Social workers, carers and teachers gathered yesterday for the workshop, titled Sex Offenders: Can They Ever Be Cured?, led by Hamilton-based counsellor Robert Jenkinson”

2002-0211 - Dominion - Still going
by J Lindsay - COSA New Zealand Incorporated continues, based in Christchurch. Our pamphlets are available from the organisation and Citizens Advice Bureau offices, and details of our activities are on our website

2002-0208 - Fare - Drop in sexual abuse allegations no surprise, but sure to rise
"The drop in reported sexual abuse allegations is no surprise, but they are sure to rise again, driven mostly by changes in Government policy", Families Apart Require Equality (FARE) spokes person Darryl Ward said today

2002-0206 – NZ Herald - Unravelling Secrets Of Abuse
by Gordon Waugh;   ”The article "Unravelling secrets of abuse" (Feb 2) by Simon Collins was courageous” “Collins mentioned my own case. I want to make clear that the allegations of incest, rape, and the many others from infancy to adulthood were created by the counselling process. They were allegations, not facts”.

2002-0202 – NZ Herald - Unravelling secrets of sexual abuse
by Simon Collins:  reference to allegations of child sex abuse by a woman thirty years later, and reference to false allegations of abuse, and the reasons behind them, such as the ACC compensation scheme.   [Note  response by Gordon Waugh in letter to Herald of Feb 6, 2002]

2002-0202 – NZ Herald - Puzzling drop in child sex cases
by Simon Collins - Reported child sex abuse cases have plunged dramatically in the past decade. ….
The figures follow a spectacular rise in the number of cases a decade ago and are in line with a drop of more than a third in America

2002-0122 - The Press - Rape: what motivates a false complaint?
by Sarah Priestwood - Rape is a sickening crime that can blight the victim's life. Sarah Priestwood asks why any woman would want to make it up.

2002-0116 - Dominion - False Witness
by Sarah Prestwood - Rape is a sickening crime that can blight the victim's life, so why would any woman want to invent it..... Rape is an angry word with dangerous consequences. Though most women who report rape are telling the truth, a small minority go to police with stories filled with sexual deceit. Their motivation can be anything from revenge to a reaction against childhood sexual abuse.

2002-0115 - Evening Post - Rape tales breed police suspicion
False rape complaints breed suspicion among police, an experienced investigator says.

2002-0115 - Western Leader - Perpetuating Myths
by Gordon Waugh - Your article on summer being dreaded by sex abuse counsellors (Jan 8) is appalling nonsense which perpetuates the myths, exaggerations and belief systems on which the sex abuse industry is based.

2002-0108 - Western Leader - Summers the season counsellors dread
by Amy Patterson
Mention the summer holiday season to two Auckland psychotherapists and dread creeps into their eyes. Karen Humphris and Diana Robinson listen to more cases of rape and sexual abuse during December and January than at any other time of year

2002-0102 - The Press - Call for experts in sex-crime unit  
NZPA - Police need specially trained sex crime investigators, a Victoria University doctor of criminology says. Jan Jordan -- who recently published the thesis True "Lies" And False "Truths": Women, Rape And The Police -- said a key benefit of having police specialists would be their knowledge of victim psychology.

2002-0101 - Evening Post - Specialists wanted to handle sex crimes
by Mark Stevens - Police assume too often that a female complainant must be lying, says criminologist Dr Jan Jordan. Police need specially trained sex crime investigators. Dr Jan Jordan - who recently published the thesis True `Lies' And False `Truths': Women, Rape And The Police - said a key benefit of having police specialists would be their knowledge of victim psychology. Women had been portrayed as liars from as long ago as the Garden Of Eden. Dr Jordan's research - which involved interviewing several rape victims and investigators - revealed that these doubts about rape complainants' credibility dominated police inquiries.