Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

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This page last updated May 7 2005

2003-0830 - Waikato Times - In touch
Ten of 26 new complaints about abuse in the Salvation Army relate to the former boys' home at Hodderville, southwest of Putaruru

2003-0829 - Timaru Herald - Abuse claims stem from Temuka home
by Rhonda Markby - Former residents of the Salvation Army's Bramwell Booth Home at Temuka allege they were both physically and sexually abused. The army's secretary for programme, Major Alistair Herring, said four men and a woman have now alleged they were abused by staff at the home. Although the five were still to be spoken to in depth by staff, Major Herring said it appeared the children were at the home mainly in the early 1970s.

2003-0828 - Timaru Herald - Temuka pair allege abuse
by Rhonda Markby - Five former residents of the Salvation Army's Bramwell Booth Home at Temuka are among those alleging abuse at the hands of the home's staff decades ago. On Wednesday night, the army's secretary for programme Major Alistair Herring confirmed two people who lived at the Temuka home were among the eight who had lodged complaints some time ago. A further three, all men, have contacted the army in the last week.

2003-0828 - NZ Herald - State wards in abuse scandal
by Ainsley Thomson - The Government has been drawn into the Salvation Army abuse scandal after revelations that many of the children in the homes were state wards. The Salvation Army last night confirmed that state wards were sent to their 15 homes. Major Alistair Herring said it was not yet known how many of the 36 abuse complaints - relating to alleged physical and sexual abuse in Salvation Army children's homes - involved state wards.

The Salvation Army was already investigating eight formal complaints of abuse. These surfaced two years ago when Kapiti woman Jan Lowe began organising New Zealand claimants for possible legal action against the religious charity.

2003-0828 - NZ Herald - Former resident wants compensation
by Ainsley Thomson - Peter Murphy says he has not a single positive memory from the 10 years he spent in a Salvation Army children's home. The 55-year-old Hamilton man, who lived at the Whatman Children's Home in Masterton during the 1950s, said staff physically abused children for the entire time he was there.

2003-0828 - Dominion Post - The source of society's ills
Letter by Calum Bennachie - What is it that gave these abusers power over children so the abusers could abuse them? Religion.  Religion -- what amounts to fairy stories -- should not be given the predominance in society that it is as it is the source of so many of society's ills

2003-0827 - One News - Govt may examine abuse claims
The Salvation Army abuse scandal could be about to ensnare the government, as claims of abuse suffered by children at homes run by the organisation keep coming. There have been revelations some were put in Salvation Army homes as wards of the state, meaning the government may have to investigate.

2003-0827 - NZ Herald - Salvation Army investigate new abuse claims
The Salvation Army is investigating 28 new complaints of abuse made by people cared for in its homes. Last week, the army said it was investigating eight complaints.

2003-0826 - Waikato Times - Sallies abuse claims mount
by Tracey Cooper - The Salvation Army has received 26 complaints about abuse of children in its care in New Zealand since an Australian documentary last week revealed similar abuse. Ten of those alleged cases happened at the former boys' home at Hodderville, 10km southwest of Putaruru at Waotu. The new complaints come on top of eight the organisation was dealing with before the Australian documentary aired. Salvation Army spokesman Alistair Herring said the complaints were "quite frankly appalling to us".

2003-0826 - One News - Salvation Army abuse claims mount
Claims of abuse are starting to pile up for the Salvation Army - a church group renowned for its work across New Zealand. ONE News earlier revealed the story of an Auckland man who claimed abuse in a Salvation Army home decades ago - since then, the tally of alleged abuses now being investigated has risen to 36 cases.

2003-0826 - Daily News - Danger in judging yesterday by today
Letter by W A West - I would hate to see the good work New Zealand's 120-year-old Salvation Army and other organisations do over-shadowed by the hype that I'm sure will occur over the current wave of "abuse" accusations…… Times have changed. What is now considered abuse was, in that era, accepted discipline, whether in the home or school.

2003-0823 - Daily News - Ex-Sallies boy backs church
by Rochelle West - A former resident of Eltham's Salvation Army boys' home claims he would not be the man he is today without the help of the church. New Plymouth man Arnold Parker said yesterday he was concerned the positive aspects of living in the Salvation Army's care would be lost in the hype of recent allegations of abuse of children…… Although Mr Parker was approached by a Christchurch lawyer representing former Salvation Army boys' home residents, to bring a case against the church, Mr Parker chose not to. "I felt it would do more harm than good. Lawyers can twist words and make more damage." Mr Parker said he did not believe in using his upbringing as an excuse for how life turned out.

2003-0822 - Dominion Post - Salvation Army 'faces case surge'
by Sue Allen - The Salvation Army can expect more abuse cases to be brought against it, a sex abuse lawyer believes. The Salvation Army said yesterday it was dealing with four claims of sex abuse and four of other abuse. It would not provide details of the claims. Sonja Cooper, a Wellington-based lawyer, said she was dealing with another case, a woman who was allegedly abused while living at a Salvation Army home in Wellington between 1951 and 1961.