The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

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The New Zealand Ritual Abuse Panic 

and groups responsible for spreading hysteria
about ritual satanic abuse, pedophile rings etc.




The satanism scare," which began in North America in the early 1980s, arrived in Australia during the late 1980s and in New Zealand from 1990 onwards. Its importation was associated with conference presentations and published material by a small but key group of claims-makers, several of whom had been associated with the earlier McMartin preschool investigation. The influence of their claims on child protection professionals in both Australia and New Zealand is traced.

extract from paper by Michael Hill, Victoria University, Wellington -

IPT Journal Vol 10, 1998, Satan's Excellent Adventure in the Antipodes



News Reports


2001-0420 - Truth - The Exorcist
by Maryvonne Gray - Pastor Mike Connell is said to be one of the world's leading ministers of deliverance and healing, and regularly travels the globe to practise…….Douglas speaks highly of Connell. "He is probably one of the world's top deliverance and healing ministers dealing with inner hurts, satanic, sexual or ritual abuse--all the emotional stuff."  Connell was introduced to these evil forces 25 years ago during his religious training.

1995-0331 - The Press - Some issues an inquiry into the Civic Creche case could examine      
by Professor Michael Hill - After the Employment Court awarded more than $1 million to sacked Christchurch City Council creche workers it was suggested an independent inquiry into the creche sex-abuse case should be set up. Professor Michael Hill outlines some aspects of the case an inquiry could look into.

….We are looking at the Americanisation of New Zealand culture. The proliferation of counsellors, social workers, and therapists — expansively funded by medical insurance or compensation schemes — has led to a cacophony of fashionable psychobabble, even among those whose psychological training appears to be rudimentary

A review of the chronology of events which contributed to the initial allegations in the creche case will identify some of the areas on which the inquiry would need to focus. The satanic ritual abuse (SRA) scenario which played such a central role in the police investigation was introduced to New Zealand counsellors and therapists by American Pamela Klein in May 1990

To complete the diagnosis of New" Zealand's moral panic, and to provide guidance on how future panics might be avoided, an inquiry is now needed. We need to be reassured about the expertise of those to whom considerable power has been allocated in our society's desire to protect children.

1994-1201 - The Press - Ritual Abuse
by R Keys - Denise Lorgelly (November 25) may possibly hold the key to a breakthrough in the investigation of satanic ritual abuse. A well-respected minister of the Church who has given her many instances of this ritual must be well aware of exactly where the covens are and what they do; more than that, actually knows people who have actually been present.

1994-1201 - The Press - Ritual Abuse 
by N.M. Gillespie - A satanic panic in the United States has, for over a decade, produced an epidemic of such allegations, all of which are investigated. The FBI has never found any real evidence or anything of significance.

1994-1125 - The Press - Ritual Abuse
by Denise Lorgelly - Considering there are (or were) 14 covens between Timaru and Oamaru, it hardly takes any imagination to realise these people are not just playing games. Our thoughts and support go out to the parents of the little child alleged to have been treated in this for their courageous stand in the face of so much ridicule and verbal abuse.

1994-1118 - The Press - I've been abused - now for my empowerment
by A. K. Grant - The thing that annoys me is that they were so high-handed about it. No "Thank you for your application", no "if you were to reapply in six months' time" - oh, hang about, I haven't told you what's getting at me. The Lottery Grants Board, that's what. I read in this very paper that just the other day they gave the lady who founded the End Ritual Abuse society $1300 so she could put out a newsletter.

1994-1112 - Dominion - Grant 'Insane political correctness'
by Alan Samson - Selwyn MP David Carter yesterday attacked as "political correctness gone insane" a decision by the Lottery Grants Board to fund a group that publicises tales of ritual abuse and mock burials............."This is political correctness gone insane," Mr Carter said. "It seems if you've got any nutty theory that paints you as a victim, the Christchurch Lottery Grants Board will give you cash to swap stories of woe.

1994-1016 - Sunday Star Times - Group wants cash to fight ritual abuse
by Matt Conway -
A new group set up to counter ritual abuse and satanic worship has applied for almost $40,000 from the Government and the Lottery Grants Board to set up an office and send members to a conference in the United States.

1994-0218 - Dominion - Family denies woman's abuse claims made on TV
by Alan Samson - The family of a woman who made claims on television about satanic and other abuse at their hands yesterday denied her every allegation and upbraded TV3 for putting them in the spotlight. Though the woman had changed her name - to Eunice Fairchild — her face and voice were uncloaked and she spoke freely of abuse she said occurred in the small North Island towns of Te Aroha and Waipu in the 1940s and 1950s.

1993-1206_The Mail_Organised Sex Abuse
by Kim Newth - A Christchurch researcher says that in the past three years she has identified 30 survivors of ritual abuse and knows of 11 other alleged cases. Ann-Marie Stapp, who prefers to define ritual abuse as "organised and systematic abuse," has called for calm on the issue rather than hysteria about the perceived "Satanic" connotations of the word "ritual"

1993-1128_SundayTimes_Ritual Abuse Story
by Alan Samson  “Ritual Abuse Story grows ever stranger”
A Ritual Action Group operating out of Social Welfare-administered offices has been giving workshops around the country to 'educate' social workers, police and others on perceived widespread ritual or systematic abuse

1993-1123 - The Press - Skeptics predict Satan hunt
The Skeptics predict accusations of "ghoulish satanic sex abuse" will surface in a New Zealand creche within the next two months. The group's head, Ms Vicki Hyde, said yesterday that after the visit to Christchurch last week of an American satanic abuse expert, Ms Pamela Hudson, social workers and parents would be hunting for "symptoms" of satanic abuse.

1991-0903 - Evening Post - Satanic sexual torture more than a nightmare   
by Linsey Morgan - Some New Zealand children are at a very real risk of sexual torture by satanic cults, counsellors say. Counsellor Jocelyn Frances and re searcher Anne-Mane Stapp say it appears ritual abuse cults still operate throughout the country. A support network growing between counsellors around the country is identifying women and children who say they have suffered in the same way. The two trained social workers presented a research paper on ritual abuse at the Family Violence Prevention Co-ordinating Committee conference in Christchurch last week. A Hutt police officer who studied ritual abuse in the United States has confirmed what Ms Frances and Ms Stapp say.

1991-0901 - Dominion Sunday Times - Satanic curses   
by Jenny Long - Police and counsellors are finding evidence of ritual abuse in New Zealand. Senior Sergeant Laurie Gabites, of Upper Hutt police, says he knows of a satanic cult in his area, and other cults in other parts of New Zealand. Evidence has come from former members, and others who have passed on information which the police accept as genuine, Mr Gabites says. While the cults themselves are not illegal, the child abuse clearly is. Wellington counsellors Jocelyn Frances and Ann-Marie Stapp say they have been horrified by descriptions of ritual abuse given by survivors.

1991-0827 - The Press - Satanic ritual abuse in NZ - US therapist   
by Sarona Josefa - Satanic ritual abuse is occurring in New Zealand, says a visiting American specialist in child sexual abuse. Mr Mitchell Whitman is a sexual abuse therapist who is noted for his work, as a Christian, in raising child sexual abuse awareness within United States churches. He says society has to believe victims in order to stop abuse. Satanic ritual abuse posed as great a threat to children as sexual abuse, he said in Christchurch yesterday. It was up to society to uncover the practice. Mr Whitman claimed that seven victims of satanic ritual abuse had approached him during his visit to New Zealand. They had told him of being drugged by satanic worshippers in their homes, and being subjected with their children to rituals of brainwashing.


RAG: The Ritual Action Group, Wellington


1991-1100 - Ritual Action Group - List of Members
List of members at November 1991

1991-0916 - Family Violence Prevention Coordinating Committee - Conference Proceedings
Presentation by the Ritual Action Group:

Proceedings Vol 2 Pages 6-7

Proceedings Vol 2 Pages 8-10

Proceedings Vol 2 Pages 11-14

Proceedings Vol 2 Pages 15-17

Proceedings Vol 2 Pages 18-24


ERA: End Ritual Abuse Society, Christchurch


For Official Documents of the Society; Refer to

Newsletters of the ERA Society ……   Links restored June 2009


Gain a better understanding of the widespread beliefs at the time Ellis was convicted. Today, most of these beliefs sound absurd, but then, respected journalists such Sandra Coney were caught up in the hysteria (refer ERA newsletters).

The files are in pdf (Acrobat Reader) format

2.14 MB            Ritual Child Abuse, by Pamela Hudson

0.58 MB            ERA Newsletter Vol 1 No 1 1994 (March)

1.71 MB            ERA Newsletter Vol 1 No 2 1994 (June)

2.09 MB            ERA Newsletter Vol 1 No 3 1994 (October)

1.25 MB            ERA Newsletter Vol 1 No 3 1994 (Oct, Supplement)

1.60 MB            ERA Newsletter Vol 2 No 1 1995 (March)

1.55 MB            ERA Newsletter Vol 2 No 2 1995 (June)

4.20 MB            ERA Newsletter Vol 2 No 3 1995 (August)

0.79 MB            ERA Newsletter Vol 3 No 1 1996 (March)