The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

Documents Main Index

1995 Documents

This page last updated January 27 2006

Aug 25 1995 - The request of "Joy Bander" for  her 9 year old son "Tommy" to receive his evidential tapes.
"Joy" says she needs the tapes to:

·           "assist Tommy in his healing process"

·           "assist Tommy to come to terms with what has happened to him"

·           "show the abuse happened when he was young and that he is safe now"

May 29 1995 - Support from Pat Havighurst, the counsellor for 9 year old "Tommy", for him to receive his evidential tapes.
Havighurst says that 9 year old Tommy told her:
"the tapes belong to me and I want them back because I may want to look at them later"

Havighurst says that the return of the tapes will be:
"a very positive step in the direction of Tommy's emotional recovery"
"what is important for Tommy's healing is the fact that he has some control"

July 24 1995  Letter from Stephen Ceci to David McLoughlin   (pdf)
David McLoughlin, working for TVNZ News and Current Affairs asks Professor Stephen Ceci for his comments on Depositions/Transcripts, Newspaper reports and judicial decisions sent to him.  Stephen Ceci replies.

June 21 1995  Letter from G K Pankhurst to Attorney General  
(pdf 140 KB)   
new  January 27 2006
"I wish to record that I do not accept the reasons given for not holding an inquiry. It may become material in the future to have recorded my disagreement and accordingly I proceed to do so……….

I am saddened not only by the Cabinet decision but also by the decisions of each of the State agencies, particularly the Police, not to look into the concerns raised in any shape or form. I had hoped that in New Zealand, particularly in the light of overseas experience which has shown that serious mistakes are made by agencies in the area of investigation of child sex abuse, a willingness to be involved in at least self examination might exist. I believe a siege mentality has developed with regard to this matter.

Endeavour was made to raise concerns identified in my letter in a way which was restrained, constructive and responsible. I fear that the damage which has been done to so many innocent people, will mean the Civic Crèche case will not go away. The blanket decision of the State agencies to resist any review of their actions will simple aggravate a situation which is already of widespread concern to many responsible people."

June 7 1995  Letter from Attorney General to Gaye Davidson
(pdf 298 KB)   
new  January 27 2006
Letter from Paul East:  "…let me assure you that the issues raised in your correspondence, has been carefully considered by me and by Government. Consideration has also been given to the legal judgments of the High Court and Court of Appeal in all the criminal trial process involving the women creche workers and Peter Ellis, and the Employment Court, the present law, the events surrounding the prosecution and investigation and the closure of the creche, procedures relating to investigations in New Zealand and overseas, and overseas inquiries.

I wish to inform you that the view of the government is that an inquiry into these matters is not appropriate."

March 15 1995  Letter from G K Pankhurst QC to Minister of Police
   (pdf 413KB)   new  January 27 2006
"I am writing to record fundamental concerns which I hold, largely as a result of the Employment Court hearing, as to actions of the Police in this matter. This is a personal letter, although I confess I indicated to the applicants in he personal grievance case my intention to write it."

Feb-May 1995 - Employment Case Documents
Correspondence from Bede Cooper, Michael Deaker and Jan Breakwell (Ministry of Education); Tom Weston and Jo Appleyard of Buddle Findlay (Counsel for Christchurch City Council) and Mike Richardson of Christchurch City Council.

Brief of evidence of Bede Cooper that Tom Weston referred to as a "fiasco". Weston did not call Cooper to give evidence because he considered Cooper would have perjured himself in providing the final draft of evidence