Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

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This page last updated March 26 2005

2005-0326 - Dominion Post - Rickards stays on full pay
by Haydon Dewes - Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards will continue to receive a full pay cheque till criminal proceedings against him – which could take years – conclude. He has been receiving his full annual salary, estimated to be about $200,000, since being stood down on full pay in February last year

2005-0326 - Dominion Post - Police inquiry seeks safe way forward
by Haydon Dewes - The commission of inquiry into police conduct has scheduled a special hearing to try to find a way of proceeding without contaminating criminal proceedings.  The commission, set up in response to allegations by Louise Nicholas and Judith Garrett, met on Thursday to decide whether it could continue

2005-0320 - Sunday Star Times - Partners standing by charged cops
by Rachel Grunwell - The partners of a top policeman and two former officers facing criminal charges are standing by their men - and one is writing a book about the case. ……….Among the trio's supporters are Schollum's wife Caron, Shipton's wife Sharon and Rickards' partner Tania Eden. None of the three wanted to speak, but a source said they were staunchly supporting their men. The women said there was another side to the men's stories and they believed their partners were innocent.

2005-0319 - NZ Herald - Jurors can see through big-case publicity says judge
by Eugene Bingham - A direction from a trial judge warning jurors to ignore pre-trial publicity would be a "powerful tool" in ensuring that they focused on the evidence before them rather than anything else they may have seen or read, a key court ruling has found. ….The issue of whether pre-trial publicity could affect a trial was raised this week when a policeman and two former officers were charged with historical offences involving Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas

2005-0318 - Dominion Post - Police pair seek to have case dropped
by Haydon Dewes - A courtroom battle is looming to have charges dropped against two former policemen jointly charged with Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards over alleged historic offences. And the future of a commission of inquiry into police conduct is in question as a result of the charges, with commissioners Bruce Robertson and Dame Margaret Bazley deciding next week whether it should be disbanded.
Brad Shipton
2005-0317 - Bay of Plenty Times - Brad Shipton faces charges
Former detective and city councillor Brad Shipton faces charges for offences alleged to have happened almost 20 years ago involving Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas.

2005-0317 - Hawkes Bay Today - Former HB policeman appears in court
by Eva Bradley - The lawyer for the former Napier policeman facing charges over historic offences committed against Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas may apply to have the case thrown out.  Robert Francis Schollum, 52, appeared in the Tauranga District Court yesterday alongside former colleague and co-accused Bradley Keith Shipton, 46.

2005-0317 - Stuff - Lawyers may ask for charges to be dismissed
NZPA - Lawyers for two former police officers facing historic charges say they may apply to have their cases thrown out. Robert Francis Schollum, 52, and Bradley Keith Shipton, 46, appeared yesterday in Tauranga District Court, where all details of the charges were suppressed. But their lawyers said today they feared their clients would not get a fair trial because of the huge publicity the cases have already had.

2005-0317 - Otago Daily Times - TopPoliceman.htm
NZPA - One of New Zealand’s highest ranking police officers and two former policemen appeared in court yesterday on unspecified charges.

2005-0317 - Dominion Post - Louise Nicholas inquiry reaches court

Clint Rickardsby Haydon Dewes and Deborah Diaz - Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former police colleagues have been arrested and charged over offences alleged to have happened almost 20 years ago.

2005-0317 - NZ Herald - Top policeman in the dock
by David Eames and Rosaleen Macbrayne - An investigation lasting more than a year culminated yesterday in a court appearance by one of the country's highest ranking police officers and two former policemen. Assistant Commissioner Clinton John Rickards appeared in the Auckland District Court over allegations made by a Rotorua woman, Louise Nicholas…….. Two co-accused, former policemen Robert Francis Schollum, 52, and Bradley Keith Shipton, 46, appeared in the Tauranga District Court.

2005-0317 - Newstalk ZB - Fair trial questioned by lawyers
Lawyers for two of the three men charged over the Louise Nicholas allegations have questioned whether their clients can receive a fair trial. …….Lawyers for Schollum and Shipton say they are concerned about whether the pair can receive a fair trial anywhere in New Zealand, given the publicity surrounding the case

2005-0317 - One News - Cops prepare to fight charges
The lawyers for two former police officers charged in relation to historical offences are preparing to apply to have the charges struck out. Paul Mabey QC and Bill Nabney say publicity surrounding the case of their clients Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton mean they won't have a fair trial.

2005-0316 - One News - Top cop appears in court

Clint RickardsAssistant police commissioner Clint Rickards and two former officers have appeared in court in relation to allegations made by Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas. Rickards has been charged following a 12 month investigation by police in Wellington and Rotorua …………… Two former policemen, former Tauranga city councillor Brad Shipton and Napier car dealer Bob Schollum, appeared in court in Tauranga on related charges. However, all details of the charges, including their number and nature, were suppressed for all three men

2005-0316 (4:45pm)- NZ Herald - Assistant police commissioner appears in court

Brad Shipton, Bob Schollum, Clinton John Rickards
Herald Staff - Assistant police commissioner Clinton John Rickards appeared in Auckland District Court today in relation to allegations made by Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas. Rickard's alleged co-offenders, former policemen Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton, also appeared today in Tauranga District Court. However, all details of the charges, including their number and nature, were suppressed for all three men

2005-0316 (2:30pm)- NZ Herald - Three arrested after probe into 1980s sex offences
NZPA - Three men were today arrested over historical sexual offences against two women in Rotorua in the early 1980s. The three men will appear in court in Auckland and Tauranga this afternoon, police said in a statement. Detective Superintendent Nick Perry said the arrests followed over a year of investigations by Wellington and Rotorua police.

2005-0316 (1:00pm)- NZ Police - Three arrests for historical sexual offences
Police arrested three men today for historical sexual offences against two women in Rotorua in the early 1980s. The alleged offenders will appear in the Auckland and Tauranga District courts this afternoon