Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

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This page last updated Feb 13 2005

2004-0202 - Waikato Times - Bleak prospects for the accused
Editorial - ….
Serious complaints and inquiries are never consigned to history. When they resurface years later they not only have a bearing on the future of the individual involved but on what they represent. And that is what will be ultimately unforgivable: that an organisation which relies so heavily on public confidence, suddenly finds its faults so glaringly exposed

2004-0202 - Auckland Mayor - No less than a High Court Judge, says Mayor
Auckland City’s Mayor, Hon John Banks, said today in relation to the latest claims being made against police: “These present matters need to be put behind the Police once and for all and this can only happen if the latest round of investigations are overseen by a High Court Judge

2004-0202 - NZ First Party - Independent Inquiry Essential Says Peters
Rt. Hon Winston Peters, today said that there should be a full independent inquiry into the renewed rape allegations against a senior police officer and two other former officers.

2004-0202 - ACT Party - Revelations Re-Iterate Need For Urgent Inquiry
by Muriel Newman - ……Both Mr Hawkins and Prime Minister Helen Clark had a duty to investigate these accusations.  Miss Clark now confesses to having judged Mr Rickards unsuitable for promotion over these accusations in 1999 – yet she failed in her obligation, to the complainant and police, to properly examine the situation in order to ascertain the truth.

2004-0202 - Stuff - Panel rated Rickards highly, PM says
A panel charged with appointing a new deputy police commissioner rated Clint Rickards highly until it was made aware of allegations about him, Prime Minister Helen Clark said today

2004-0202 - Stuff - Woman makes more than one rape complaint against police
The woman behind historic rape allegations against three police officers also made another rape allegation against police that led to a series of criminal trials, it was revealed today.  Judge Borrin said the allegations against Mr Rickards and the other two men came to light after the PCA was called in to investigate poor handling of another rape allegation against police by Mrs Nicholas. That allegation proceeded to criminal trials in Rotorua District Court between 1993 and 1995, Judge Borrin said. The first two trials were aborted after inadmissible evidence was put before the court and the third was successfully defended. However, the trial judge criticised police handling of the case, sparking the PCA inquiry.

2004-0202 - Otago Daily Times - Commissioner accuses media of hampering inquiry
NZPA - Police attempts to investigate historic rape allegations against three former Rotorua officers are being "hampered" by the refusal of media outlets to reveal all their information, New Zealand's police chief says. He took particular issue with the tactic of drip-feeding information to maximise the life of the story.

2004-0202 - Otago Daily Times - Policeman denies rape case cover-up Auckland commander accused
The former senior police officer accused of covering up a rape complaint against colleagues denies claims he manipulated the young complainant or acted "incompetently".

2004-0202 - Otago Daily Times - Policeman denies cover-up
NZPA - Mr Miller told One News last night the inquiry found Mr Dewar had not committed any criminal or disciplinary offence but his failure to record and investigate the allegations showed "a gross lack of judgement and competence". Mr Miller said it had been "unprofessional" of Mr Dewar to investigate close associates. "I think she [the complainant] was very naive and easily manipulated, almost like play dough.

2004-0202 - Otago Daily Times - Policewoman told baton 'used for sex'
NZPA - A former Rotorua policewoman says she was told her missing police baton had been "used for sex", as a new inquiry is launched into a woman's allegations she was raped by three police officers

2004-0202 - One News - Pressure over Rickards inquiry
The government is coming under pressure to order a full independent inquiry into rape allegations against Auckland's most senior policeman…..There have already been two police investigations into what happened but the woman, Louise Nicholas, claims they both failed to uncover the truth.

2004-0202 - Green Party - Greens want rape-claim inquiry widened
The Green Party is calling for the inquiry into rape allegations against former Rotorua police officers to also consider the failure of police hierarchy and the Police Minister to fully investigate the complaints when they were originally made aware of them

2004-0202 - NZ Police - Press Release
Commissioner Rob Robinson said that following a number of media inquiries during the day he was issuing a clarifying statement: The Background facts; The review initiated this weekend; Current Employment status of Assistant Commissioner Rickards

2004-0202 - NZ Herald - Police Complaints Authority says new info warrants investigation
NZPA - PCA head Judge Ian Borrin told NZPA today that a women officer's report that her baton had gone missing for a couple of weeks in about 1986, before being returned to her and told it had been used in sex with a woman, was new information from what a 1995 PCA inquiry was told.

2004-0202 - Newstalk ZB - PM consulting on pack rape claim inquiry
Helen Clark's office consulting to decide on best way to handle inquiry into claims top cop involved in pack rape. The Prime Minister says it is important that outside eyes look at accusations that police, including Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards, were involved in a pack rape 20 years ago…….Meanwhile it has emerged that a police insider sparked the story. Dominion Post editor Tim Pankhurst says it was not the complainant who went to reporter Phillip Kitchin with the story.

2004-0202 - Newstalk ZB - Status of top cop on leave reviewed
Mr Rickards has offered to take three weeks leave to ensure impartiality in the review and promises to fully cooperate, but strongly denies the allegations. He says he expects to return to work as normal after the latest inquiry.

2004-0202 - Newstalk ZB - Overseas judge wanted after rape allegations
Peter Williams QC wants an independent overseas judge brought in to investigate allegations that police covered up a rape accusation.

2004-0202 - Dominion Post - Baton used for sex, officer told
by Philip Kitchin - A former Rotorua policewoman says the police baton she lost in the mid-1980s was returned to her by a policeman who said it had been used for deviant sex on a young girl……. Asked whether she had been told exactly what the baton had been used for, Mrs Butcher said she "had the feeling that it was a threesome from the suggestions that were made".

2004-0202 - Dominion Post - Rickards stands aside
by Haydon Dewes - Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards has stood down as Auckland police commander while his bosses and the Government decide how official inquiries will be pursued into rape allegations against him and two other men. ……..In a brief statement yesterday, Mr Rickards, said "I will be cooperating fully with the inquiry and look forward to the false and destructive allegations made … being resolved once and for all."

2004-0202 - Dominion Post - PM orders independent inquiry
by Leah Haines - Prime Minister Helen Clark has ordered a new, independent inquiry into allegations of pack-rape by three police officers. She said a police investigation alone would not do.

2004-0202 - NZ Herald - Police cover-up allegation: What the Police Commissioner says
Commissioner Rob Robinson has ordered a full review of the allegations levelled by Louise Nicholas. He said that the review would cover all the matters raised in the media by the complainant, the prior historical allegations and the inquiries into them.

2004-0202 - NZ Herald - Police cover-up allegation: Responses from the accused
Statement by lawyer Daniel McLellan, My clients are deeply concerned by the [media] coverage
Statement by Clint Rickards: Accusations have no substance whatsoever
Statement by Brad Shipton: I denied the allegations absolutely in the early 1990s, and I deny them absolutely now
Statement by Bob Schollum: The allegations have absolutely no foundation

2004-0202 - NZ Herald - Police cover-up allegation: What Louise Nicholas says
Louise Nicholas has alleged that

·           she was raped and violated by three police officers in Rotorua in 1986 when she was 18 years old

·           another officer covered up her allegations to protect his colleagues.

·           she sought help at the time of the incidents but was ignored.

·           after the pack-rape Mr Rickards and Mr Shipton would come to her house and demand sex

·           in 1993 she went to make a formal complaint but was advised by John Dewar not to.

2004-0202 - NZ Herald - Police cover-up allegation: Investigator denies cover-up
by Ainsley Thomson - A former policeman accused of covering up the alleged pack-rape of a Rotorua woman by three policemen is standing by his handling of the investigation. …….Mrs Nicholas told [Mr Dewar] she had consensual sex with the men - which they admitted - but had not consented to the baton being used. Mr Dewar said she did not raise any allegations of pack-rape. "My understanding was that all the sexual activity with the officers was consensual. But the one incident involving the baton wasn't." He said a full investigation was carried out into the baton incident.

2004-0202 - NZ Herald - Police cover-up allegation: Inquiry tainted says probe head
Rex Miller, the former top officer who did the Police Complaints Authority inquiry into the handling of the rape allegations, says police chiefs should have known years ago that his inquiry was compromised - because of interference by John Dewar, who was head of Rotorua CIB.

2004-0202 - NZ Herald - Police defend top job for Rickards
by Kevin Taylor, Patrick Gower and Phil Taylor - The Police Commissioner has defended promoting Clint Rickards to the top Auckland police job despite knowing for seven years about sexual allegations against him

2004-0202 - NZ Herald - Nicholas inquiry may look at other cases
by Patrick Gower - Police may widen their investigation into the Louise Nicholas allegations to include other mishandled sex complaints in the same district at the same time. Commissioner Rob Robinson last night confirmed he was aware of the two other cases in the Bay of Plenty about the same time as Louise Nicholas' claims there was a cover-up of police allegedly pack-raping her

2004-0201 - Act Party - Independent Inquiry Needed On Police Complaint
by Dr Muriel Newman - ACT New Zealand Police Spokesman Dr Muriel Newman today demanded to know why rape allegations against three police officers were not independently investigated when Police Minister George Hawkins first became aware of them – before one of these officers was given the position of Assistant Police Commissioner

2004-0201 - Newstalk ZB - Rape allegation cop offers to stand down
The senior policeman at the centre of a revived allegation of rape has offered to stand down for three weeks

2004-0201 - Newstalk ZB (08:41) - QC says police shouldn't investigate themselves
Police should not investigate themselves- QC Peter Williams says review of rape complaint must be independent. The police should not investigate themselves. That is the view of Queen's Counsel Peter Williams, after the Police Commissioner launched a review of a rape complaint investigation.

2004-0201 - One News - Ex-inspector backs rape accuser
One of the police who took part in a Police Complaints Authority inquiry into the handling of an allegation of rape against police officers says the complainant was manipulated into not making a formal complaint. Former Detective Chief Inspector Rex Miller and other senior police were part of a Police Complaints Authority investigation in 1995 into the handling of the allegation. Miller says he had concerns right from the start that the complainant had been manipulated into not making a formal complaint.

2004-0201 - Sunday Star Times - From rabble rouser to role model
by David Fisher - He wanted to be the country's first Maori police commissioner. Clint Rickards, who started life on the wrong side of the tracks, was headed for the top.

2004-0201 - Sunday Star Times - 'I felt no one would believe me'
What Louise Nicholas said: "I have done nothing wrong…….."I was led into there and my clothes were removed…….."For 23 years of my life I have had to carry….."I felt no one would believe me

2004-0201 - Sunday Star Times - PM knew of rape claim
by Rachel Grunwell and Oskar Alley - Prime Minister Helen Clark last night ordered a full inquiry into rape allegations against an assistant police commissioner - amid revelations she was briefed on the claims before he was promoted……..Lawyers acting for the three men - Rickards, Shipton and Schollum - issued strong statements again denying the allegations, stating they were cleared 10 years ago and that defamation expert Julian Miles QC had been hired to represent them

2004-0201 - One News - Maori leaders support Rickards
Maori leaders are showing their support for Clint Rickards, the Assistant Police Commissioner facing rape allegations over an incident in Rotorua 18 years ago…………A One News investigation has revealed key information that the police are unaware of. For the first time, Nicholas' claims that she was sexually assaulted with a police baton in 1986 appear to have been strengthened. A former Rotorua policewoman has told One News that her police baton was used for "deviant sexual behaviour"……….A sexual assault researcher says the three men at the centre of the rape allegations should be treated as innocent until proven guilty. Auckland University's Felicity Goodyear-Smith...says if the processes are properly followed, it is not fair on the accused to continue the allegations unless real new evidence comes to light.

2004-0131 - One News - Woman alleges brutal police rape
Louise Nicholas has told ONE News that Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former policemen, Brad Shipton who is now a Tauranga city councillor and car salesman Bob Schollum, raped her with a police baton in 1986……Nicholas, now married with three children, said she has got nothing to be ashamed about.

2004-0131 - One News - Dominion Post alleges police rape
The Dominion Post has alleged that three police officers pack-raped a teenager in Rotorua in 1986, and that police failed to deal properly with a complaint about it. The newspaper says the story is the result of a two year investigation

2004-0131 - NZ Herald - Top NZ cop under review after pack rape allegations
NZPA - Police Commissioner Rob Robinson today ordered a full review of issues raised in a media report today that a woman was raped by three policemen, including Clint Rickards who is now an assistant commissioner and Auckland city police commander. …He told reporters in Wellington this afternoon that all the matters raised in today's Dominion Post -- the historical allegations and the inquiries into them -- would be reviewed. ….The command of Auckland City district would be reviewed again on Monday morning

2004-0131 - Newstalk ZB - Commissioner launches rape review
The Police Commissioner has launched a review of an investigation of rape allegations, made against three police officers several years ago…..Commissioner Rob Robinson says he was made aware of the allegations in the 1990s. He believed it was investigated and reviewed, and the officers had been cleared. But Mr Robinson says it is a new matter that the integrity of that process is being questioned

2004-0131 - NZ Police - Press Release
Commissioner Rob Robinson has today ordered a full review of matters covered in a Police related story in today’s Dominion Post. The Commissioner said that the review would cover all the matters raised in the media by the complainant, the prior historical allegations and the inquiries into them.

2004-0131 - Newstalk ZB - Police Assoc keeps close eye on allegations
The Police Association says it will be keeping a close eye on allegations that three senior officers pack raped a teenager….. Minister George Hawkins says the Police Complaints Authority will be looking into the matter

2004-0131 - Newstalk ZB - Investigation into police pack rape claim
Police Minister calls for more information on alleged pack rape of teen by police in Rotorua in 1986

2004-0131 - The Press - Necessary exposure
Editorial -
Allegations against the police are easily made and can be difficult to disentangle. The public, the media, the courts and the police themselves tend to view such attacks with scepticism, but the scepticism at times needs to be challenged. This is one of those occasions.

2004-0131 - The Press - Louise Nicholas's statement
"I believe there has been a cover- up and I'm appealing for the Government to order an independent inquiry into how my allegations were investigated. ......"I will be asking our Prime Minister to order an independent inquiry to ensure that as a victim of police abuses I can finally be treated fairly and decently

2004-0131 - Dominion Post - 'No, I don't want this'
by Philip Kitchin - The woman at the centre of rape allegations against three men including a police assistant commissioner says she knew before they touched her what was about to happen. The incidents began, she says, in Rotorua when she was walking home from work one day in about 1986

2004-0131 - Dominion Post - Victim's behaviour 'typical'
by Philip Kitchin - The behaviour of a Rotorua teenager who alleged that she was repeatedly raped by two police officers but did not run for help was typical of young sexual abuse victims, an expert says. Sexual abuse counsellor Margaret Craig agreed to speak of her assessment of Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas -- who made the rape allegations -- after being given permission by Mrs Nicholas to comment. Mrs Nicholas was referred for counselling when she was 26, after telling her doctor and family about the alleged rapes

2004-0131 - Dominion Post - Policeman admitted protecting his mates
A police officer who received a complaint from a woman that she had been raped by other officers said he did nothing about it in order to protect his colleagues, a police document shows. The Dominion Post has obtained a job sheet written by former Rotorua CIB chief John Dewar, outlining a secretly taped interview with former police officer Trevor Clayton, who had by then left the police

2004-0131 - Dominion Post - Woman accuses top officer of teen pack-rape
by Philip Kitchin - The man being groomed to be New Zealand's next police commissioner, a Tauranga city councillor and a Napier used car salesman have been accused of pack-raping a teenage girl when they all served as police in Rotorua. Auckland's senior policeman, Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards, councillor Brad Shipton and salesman Bob Schollum are alleged to have raped the teenager and violated her with a police baton in about 1986. The woman making the allegations, Louise Nicholas, says she sought help at the time of the incidents, but was ignored