Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

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This page last updated Feb 13 2005

2004-0228 - NZ Herald - Nicholas quizzed daily by police
by Rosaleen MacBrayne - Louise Nicholas is being interviewed almost daily by police re-investigating her historic rape allegations against members of the force…… Police have questioned her over three weeks, since the criminal inquiry was re-opened, and the Rotorua woman expects it to take "ages yet"…… Mrs Nicholas said detectives sat down with her for "a couple of hours" most mornings and "the same in the afternoon, pretty much".

2004-0224 - Dominion Post - The perpetual public servant
by Mary Jane Boland - At 66, Dame Margaret Bazley has done her fair share of investigations into the doings of the public service. Now she has been given another task -- to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct in the police. Mary Jane Boland assesses the woman who could be called the Lazarus of the public service.

2004-0222 - Sunday Star Times - Beyond macho: The group-sex culture  
by Alex Spence - Why would a group of strong, presumably proudly heterosexual police watch each other having sex with the same woman - a teenager at that? Alex Spence finds the reasons can be complex but often come down to mateship and machismo. In some cultures, he discovers, group sex is simply another team sport.

2004-0222 - Sunday Star Times - Family ties in botched police rape inquiries  
by Rachel Grunwell - Former policeman Bob Schollum, one of three men facing pack-rape allegations in the Louise Nicholas case, is the cousin of a rapist at the centre of two botched police rape investigations.

2004-0221 - Newstalk ZB - Counsellor satisfied with Inquiry
Margaret Craig is a sex abuse counsellor who has dealt with the woman at the centre of the rape allegations. She says those terms of reference are a comfort

2004-0221 - Dominion Post - Rape claims: fourth officer revealed
by Leah Haines - Previously secret allegations that a fourth policeman sexually abused Louise Nicholas will be part of the commission of inquiry into claims of police pack rape. If the inquiry reveals Mrs Nicholas' claims against the officer are true, he is protected from legal action as he has already been acquitted after two mistrials.

2004-0221 - Dominion Post - Police inquiry terms reveal fourth accused
by Leah Haines - Terms of reference for the commission of inquiry into claims of police pack rape have been announced, revealing a previously secret allegation of sexual abuse by a fourth policeman

2004-0221 - NZ Herald - Officers in second rape claim cover-up
by Eugene Bingham - Two officers accused of sexually interfering with Louise Nicholas were implicated in the police cover-up of another rape. A damning 1996 report on the police's failure to investigate a rape complaint by Rhondda Herbert-Savage in Murupara implicates two of the seven policemen accused of abusing Mrs Nicholas.

2004-0221 - NZ Herald - Letter campaign against Rickards
by Eugene Bingham and John Andrews - Anonymous letters accusing Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards of sexual misconduct were faxed around Hamilton when he was appointed Waikato police district commander. The Herald has learned that the letters and the circumstances in which they were generated are being investig

2004-0220 - One News - Police rape inquiry terms
Prime Minister has announced the terms of reference for the commission of inquiry into the police handling of rape complaints against its officers.

2004-0220 - Newstalk ZB - Rape inquiry guidelines outlined
Commission of Inquiry into allegations of police sexual misconduct will not look at whether police are guilty of criminal offence. The guidelines for the inquiry into allegations of police sexual misconduct have been outlined.

2004-0220 - NZ Herald - Police rape inquiry has wide-ranging brief
The Commission of Inquiry into historic allegations of police rape will have a wide-ranging brief including the investigation of codes of personal behaviour and sexual conduct, Prime Minister Helen Clark said today. Commissioners Justice Bruce Robertson and Dame Margaret Bazley have been appointed to head the inquiry and Ms Clark has now announced its terms of reference.

2004-0220 - NZ Government - Commission of inquiry terms of reference announced
Prime Minister Helen Clark today announced the terms of reference for the Commission of Inquiry into recent allegations made against members of the Police with respect to sexual conduct and investigations of it. Commissioners Justice Bruce Robertson and Dame Margaret Bazley will inquire into police conduct, standards and procedures when receiving and investigating allegations of sexual assault and abuse made against the police. They will also investigate police standards and codes relating to police personal behaviour, including sexual conduct. The commission will not determine the guilt or innocence of police officers involved in alleged sexual assault or other alleged criminal offences.

2004-0219 - Newstalk ZB - Christchurch case not linked to current inquiry
Police in Christchurch say a 1997 complaint about an improper search is not linked to current sexual allegations. Christchurch police maintain a local woman who wants a complaint to be part of a national inquiry into sexual allegations against police, has had her case fully investigated

2004-0219 - Dominion Post - Mallard to gather complaints
by Vernon Small - Complainants to the commission of inquiry set up after claims of rape and cover-ups by police officers are being asked to write to State Services Minister Trevor Mallard till the commission becomes active.

2004-0219 - Dominion Post - A difficult but necessary inquiry
Editorial -
The Government's invitation to people with new allegations against the police to promptly come forward could unleash an unhappy torrent. Since The Dominion Post published the story of Louise Nicholas, the newspaper has become an unofficial conduit for many grim stories. The public is likely to be disturbed by what the commission of inquiry will hear

2004-0219 - The Press - Woman wants body search investigated in commission of inquiry
by Matt Conway - A woman subjected to an intrusive body search by police six years ago wants her case to be part of the Government inquiry investigating sexual allegations against police. An improper body search by four police officers traumatised the female prisoner and led to a confidential $25,000 settlement. Christchurch woman Maria Black, 36, said she regrets having accepted what she now regards as hush money and wants the case reopened.

2004-0218 - Waikato Times - Top cop: No wrong-doing
by Steve Hopkins - Waikato's top policeman, stood down amid investigations into police pack-rape allegations, says he's done nothing wrong and expects to return to duty

2004-0218 - The Press - Examining a culture
Editorial - The role of the commission of inquiry must not be confined to investigating the accusations or culture of the past. Robertson and Blazey must also put to the test claims that today's police do not work in a macho environment, intolerant of female officers or unresponsive to women's rape complaints. That will involve delving into such aspects of the police as recruitment, training and promotion policies. For the public to have full confidence in the police both the allegations of the past and today's police culture must be fully examined

2004-0218 - Stuff - Woman allegedly raped by police ready to talk to commission
NZPA - A Northland woman who complained of being raped by a policeman is ready to tell her story to an official inquiry - and she hopes the police will be equally frank…..The terms of reference for the inquiry have not yet been set, but Judith Garrett, who says she was handcuffed then raped by a Kaitaia police constable in 1988, said she would be "fine" about telling the commissioners of her experience.

2004-0218 - NZ Herald - Public needs reassuring about police
Editorial -
The appointment of a proper commission of inquiry into criminal sexual allegations against members of the police is a considerable relief. As more women have come forward, and more police officers have been named - two of them district commanders - it became evident that public concern could not be satisfied with less than an independent inquiry of high standing

2004-0218 - NZ Herald - Suspended commander confident he'll be cleared
by Ainsley Thomson - Waikato district police commander Kelvin Powell, suspended on Saturday as the inquiry into the alleged Rotorua police pack rape widened, has denied any wrongdoing.

2004-0217 - One News - Appeal for info on rape claims
The Prime Minister is appealing for anyone with further information about rape allegations against police officers to come forward soon.

2004-0217 - Newstalk ZB - Govt promises thorough inquiry
Dame Margaret Bazley and High Court judge, Bruce Robertson will conduct Commission of Inquiry into police rape allegations. The Government is promising a thorough Commission of Inquiry into rape allegations against the police.

2004-0217 - Otago Daily Times - Judge and public servant named to head rape inquiry
by Ian Llewellyn, of NZPA - A High Court judge and a former senior public servant will conduct a Commission of Inquiry into historic allegations of rape by police. Prime Minister Helen Clark announced yesterday that Justice Bruce Robertson and Dame Margaret Bazley would head the inquiry, which is expected to report back in November.

2004-0217 - Dominion Post - Sex claims about police to be aired in public
by Tracy Watkins - Allegations of sexual offending by police officers are expected to be aired at public hearings when a commission of inquiry starts investigating claims of a cover-up

2004-0217 - The Press - Robertson and Bazley head police cover-up inquiry
by Tracy Watkins - Allegations of sexual offending by police officers are expected to be aired at public hearings when a Commission of Inquiry begins probing claims of a cover-up. Prime Minister Helen Clark has announced that the Commission will be headed by High Court judge Bruce Robertson and a top public servant, Dame Margaret Bazley.

2004-0217 - NZ Herald - Top policeman socialised at club with Rickards
by Patrick Gower - Police Commissioner Rob Robinson socialised with Clint Rickards in the Rotorua police club when they worked there together about the same time an alleged pack-rape involving police occurred. For three months in late 1985, Mr Robinson was on secondment as a sergeant in the CIB while Mr Rickards was a junior member of one of its squads.

2004-0217 - NZ Herald - PM urges people to speak up in police inquiry
by Audrey Young - Prime Minister Helen Clark is urging anyone else with a complaint against the police involving sexual misconduct to come forward quickly if they want it considered by the approaching commission of inquiry. "People should come forward as quickly as possible so the commission can get on with its work," she said yesterday after announcing the two presiding commissioners.