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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

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2002-0930 - The Press - Nazareth House  
Letter to the Editor by Gloria Schotten -  In response to the alleged abuse by the Sisters of Nazareth, I am outraged and appalled. …We were given the best of care to the point of total self-sacrifice. ….These accusations should be dropped immediately.

2002-0928 - The Press - Abuse claims  
Three more men have claimed they were abused as boys at a former Christchurch Catholic residential school, pushing the tally of complainants to 85

2002-0919 - Dominion Post - Child abuse claims 'disgusting'  
Christchurch based nun has described as "disgusting" the allegations that she was involved in child abuse 40 years ago at a Brisbane orphanage run by the Sisters of Nazareth.  "I find some of (the claims) quite disgusting - that anyone could even think those thoughts," said Sister Bernard, who now runs a Sisters of Nazareth old people's home.  "There is no truth in them, absolutely not."

2002-0918 - The Press - Extradition may take time  
NZPA - Police say it could take up to two years to extradite from Britain a former Upper Hutt priest accused of sexually abusing teenage boys in New Zealand.

2002-0918 - The Press - Abuse focus of conference  
by Yvonne Martin - The Catholic Church's response to allegations of misconduct against its clergy is a focus of 99 canon lawyers meeting in Christchurch this week. The Canon Law Society of Australia and New Zealand is holding its yearly conference in the city, attracting canon lawyers from Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States.

2002-0914 - The Press - Nuns on the run  
by Yvonne Martin -
A woman who says she was tortured by the Sisters of Nazareth at a Christchurch orphanage wants them to pay for her alleged suffering. Defenders of Nazareth House say she is driven by greed, not grief. Ann Thompson is the latest in the swelling ranks queuing for compensation from the Catholic Church. Thompson's target is Christchurch's Sisters of Nazareth, whose charity work in the city dates back nearly 100 years.

2002-0914 - Southland Times - Keeping the faith  
by Michael Fallow - He is pleased that the church has become more open and realistic in its dealing with the issue of sex abuse by the clergy, and that those harmed are no longer bound by confidentiality clauses on settlements. He knows of only one case of abuse in the diocese during his two decades as bishop, a publicised case in Gore.

2002-0914 - The Press - Burke 'believes stories'  
The number of men alleging abuse at Marylands, run by the St John of God Order, has increased from 70 last month. Most complainants were residents there between 1972 and 1977. Brother Peter Burke, the Australasian head of the order, who has just completed his fifth trip to New Zealand to meet complainants, said he believed the men's stories.

2002-0914 - One News - Top nun speaks out in denial
One of the Catholic Church's most experienced nuns is publicly denying claims of abuse from women in New Zealand and Australia. At least five New Zealand women are threatening court action against the Sisters of Nazareth order over claims of abuse at a Christchurch orphanage. Sister Mary Bernard, 69, has spoken publicly for the first time to deny that she and other nuns abused children in their care in the 1950s and 60s. Bernard, who joined the order 47 years ago, says while discipline was stricter then the children were never whipped or beaten.

2002-0913 - Timaru Herald - SC allegations over Catholic school abuse  
Two South Canterbury people have laid complaints with the St John of God Order regarding allegations of sexual abuse at Marylands, a Christchurch Catholic residential school. Brother Peter Burke, the Australasian head of the order, visited one former student in Timaru and one in Waimate when he visited New Zealand last month.

2002-0913 - Dominion Post - Good clergy  
Letter to the Editor by Stan Manterys - In the publicity surrounding sexual abuse by some clergy, here is another side to the story. Like people in all segments of society, a disgraced minority of clergy has committed crimes, but the overwhelming majority of clergy has not.

2002-0911 - Dominion Post - Accused nun visits Wellington  
A nun accused last year of child abuse in Australia is in Wellington. Trustees for Sister Bernard Mary's order, the Sisters of Nazareth, said she was dead after a woman sought compensation in the Queensland Supreme Court last year for alleged abuse in the 1950s and 1960s

2002-0907 - Waikato Times - 'Dead' nun alive  
A nun at the centre of historical child abuse allegations at a Brisbane orphanage, and who was said to be dead, is living in Christchurch. Sister Bernard Mary, who now heads the Sisters of Nazareth in New Zealand, was said in a document filed in the Queensland Supreme Court to be dead

2002-0907 - The Press - 'Dead' nun reported in Chch  
A nun at the centre of child abuse allegations at a Brisbane orphanage in the 1950s and 1960s, and who was said to be dead, is reported to be living in Christchurch

2002-0907 - The Press - Celibacy 'vital tradition'  
by Yvonne Martin - The Pope has told the Catholic Church to be more careful screening out prospective priests with deviant desires to avoid sex scandals that have rocked dioceses like Christchurch. Catholic Communications director Lyndsay Freer said the Pope was presumably talking about homosexuals, as well as paedophiles. The Church generally frowns on homosexuality but non-practising gay men who enter seminaries to train as priests are seen as morally "neutral".

2002-0907 - Dominion Post - Nun accused of abuse has risen from the dead  
by Richard Trow - A nun accused last year of child abuse in Australia has apparently risen from the dead and is living in Christchurch. Sister Bernard Mary was a central figure in a Queensland court case last year alleging abuse at a Brisbane orphanage in the 1950s and 1960s.

2002-0906 - Stuff - Nun at centre of abuse claims living in NZ - report  
In a document filed in the Queensland Supreme Court in July last year, the Sisters of Nazareth said three key figures in the allegations, including Sister Bernard Mary, were no longer alive. However, Sister Bernard, who is in her 60s, was at present head of the Sisters of Nazareth in New Zealand, The Australian newspaper reported today.

2002-0903 - The Press - Sisters of Nazareth  
Letter to the Editor by Patricia Hendriks (Worters), - My memories of Nazareth House, for the most part, are very pleasant and very often extremely funny to recall. Do we want another witch hunt, reminiscent of the Salem witch trials? God forbid.

2002-0903 - Stuff - More than 100 calls in school sex abuse case  
More than 100 men have a rung a toll free number about sex abuse at a former Christchurch Catholic residential school since the issue was raised 10 weeks ago. The number of men who have complained to the St John of God Order about abuse suffered as boys at Marylands was released today by the church.

2002-0903 - One News - Claims nuns tortured children
A 61-year-old woman has gone public with tales of torture at the hands of Catholic nuns. Ann Thompson lived at Nazareth House in Christchurch from ages 10 to 19 where she says she was repeatedly stripped and beaten by nuns. The nuns claimed she had the devil in her because she was born out of wedlock, says Thompson.

2002-0902 - The Press - Protest in praise of accused nuns  
by Mike Crean - Allegations that the Sisters of Nazareth abused children in their care have angered former residents of Nazareth House girls' home and St Joseph's boys' home in Christchurch. The allegations, made through the media last month, prompted 50 former residents to demonstrate at Nazareth House yesterday in support of the nuns.

2002-0831 - NZ Herald - When child cruelty reigned  
by Greg Ansley - Nazareth House was a great grim building, its brick walls rising from the Brisbane suburb of Wynnum North, softened only by a sparse cluster of palms.

2002-0829 - NZ Herald - Abuse spotlight switches to nuns  
by Greg Ansley - The Catholic Church in Australia, already investigating allegations of child abuse by its most senior cleric, has been hammered with further claims of brutality and sexual abuse

2002-0827 - Waikato Times - Sex abuse complaints  
Seventy men have now complained of sex abuse at a former Christchurch Catholic residential school. The number who have complained to the St John of God Order about abuse suffered as boys at Marylands has jumped from 48 a month ago

2002-0827 - The Press - 70 sex-abuse cases surface at old school  
by Yvonne Martin - Seventy men have complained of sex abuse at a former Christchurch Catholic residential school. The number of men who have complained to the St John of God Order about abuse suffered as boys at Marylands has jumped from 48 a month ago. Brother Peter Burke, the visiting Australasian head of the order which ran the school for boys with intellectual and learning problems until 1984, has repeatedly advised complainants to go to the police.

2002-0827 - Dominion Post - Catholic abuse claims up to 70  
NZPA - Seventy men have now complained of sex abuse at a former Christchurch Catholic residential school. The number of men who have complained to the St John of God Order about abuse suffered as boys at Marylands has jumped from 48 a month ago

2002-0817 - The Press - Woodcock expected to fight extradition  
NZPA - Police say they expect a former priest accused of sexually assaulting teenage boys will contest moves to extradite him from Britain to New Zealand to face trial. Alan Woodcock, 54, is accused of indecently assaulting teenage boys at Silverstream in Upper Hutt, Wellington, and Palmerston North between 1982 and 1985 while working as a teacher

2002-0817 - The Press - More women join in allegations of abuse  
by Yvonne Martin - More women are coming forward with complaints of physical abuse by Catholic nuns at Christchurch's Nazareth House, who are the subject of a group action. Ann from Whangarei, one of five women taking legal action against the Sisters of Nazareth for incidents in the 1950s and early 1960s, said the girls lived in constant fear of punishment from the nuns.

2002-0816 - The Press - Five sue nuns over alleged child abuse  
by Yvonne Martin - Five women who allege that they were brutally beaten and traumatised as girls by Catholic nuns at a children's home in Christchurch's Nazareth House are taking a group action. Complainants allege they were regularly strapped and caned for the smallest misdemeanours, emotionally deprived, and put into solitary confinement. They want the Sisters of Nazareth to acknowledge the alleged abuse occurred and to pay compensation for their childhood ordeals.

2002-0816 - The Press - 12 alleging abuse by ex-priest  
NZPA - Twelve people have now come forward claiming former priest Alan Woodcock sexually abused them while they attended school. Detective Sergeant Murray Porter said yesterday that he was following up three new claims of abuse, after already establishing nine had cause for complaint.  "Three more people have contacted me over the last few days since he (Woodcock) was arrested, but I have yet to speak to those people in detail," Mr Porter said

2002-0816 - NZ Herald - Christchurch nuns accused of beatings  
Five women who allege they were brutally beaten and traumatised as girls by Catholic nuns at a children's home in Christchurch are taking a group action

2002-0815 - One News - Woodcock in court again
The former New Zealand priest accused of sex assaults on young boys has re-appeared in a London court. Police want to extradite Alan Woodcock, 54, and he has been remanded in custody to front up in court again in a month

2002-0810 - The Press - Carmelites comment  
I would like to thank The Press for calling the Catholic Church to account for the ills that have impacted worldwide. We are all grateful when other unjust and dysfunctional issues are brought to light and individuals helped. I'm sure I speak on behalf of the vast majority of Catholics -- almost one billion of us -- (minus the paedophiles!) who stand stunned and shamed by all that has happened. I cannot help but liken it to the twin-towers calamity. It feels as if something like this has hit the Church, with a particular focus on the priesthood and celibacy.

2002-0810 - One News - Head of order meets abuse victims
The head of a catholic order investigating claims of abuse has now spoken to 50 South Island men about what happened to them in the 1970s. Brother Peter Burke heads the order of St John of God in Australasia and says the stories he has heard of sexual and physical abuse have made him at times question his faith. He is about to travel to the North Island to hear more complaints

2002-0810 - One News - Friend of ex-priest speaks
A friend of the former Catholic priest who is in prison in England awaiting an extradition application to New Zealand for sex crimes has spoken out for the first time, describing him as a man he trusted and respected. Allan Woodcock has been accused of sex assaults against schoolboys, allegedly committed in Wellington during the 1980s.

2002-0809 - Dominion Post - Police getting more calls about former priest  
by Mark Stevens - Police are analysing fresh information about a man accused of sexually abusing boys while a Catholic priest in New Zealand. Former Marist priest Alan Woodcock, 54, was arrested in London this week and is facing extradition from Britain.

2002-0808 - One News - Catholic priest faces extradition
The man accused of indecent assaults on boys at St Patrick's College in Silverstream while he was a Catholic priest is on remand in a London prison. Alan Woodcock, 54, is being held pending a decision to extradite him to face the indecent assault charges in New Zealand. Bow Street magistrates heard that the Marist Priest was arrested at Luton airport after returning from a trip to Greece.

2002-0808 - Dominion Post - Former priest arrested on sex charges  
by Mark Stevens - A former Catholic priest accused of serial sex crimes against boys in the Wellington region was to appear in a London court early today to face an extradition hearing. New Zealander Alan Woodcock was arrested yesterday by the Metropolitan Police's extradition squad

2002-0807 - One News - Former NZ priest arrested in UK
A former New Zealand priest is behind bars in Britain, accused of carrying out sex crimes in the lower North Island in the early 1980s. Alan Woodcock is alleged to have sexually abused nine teenagers and is due to appear in a London court to face an extradition application

2002-0806 - The Press - Bishop to meet 'victims'  
The Catholic Bishop of Christchurch is opening his doors to people who believe they were victims of sexual abuse by church workers. Bishop John Cunneen has already apologised to a family of former parishioners for failing to adequately support them after their son, 17, was sexually assaulted by a priest. The boy was the first known victim of former Marist priest Alan Woodcock

2002-0802 - Timaru Herald - Catholic leader to visit victims  
Timaru and Waimate are on the itinerary of a Catholic leader who is visiting New Zealand to hear cases of sexual abuse that allegedly took place at Marylands, a Christchurch Catholic residential school. Brother Peter Burke, the Australasian head of the St John of God Order which ran the school, will be visiting six South Island centres to talk to men who have reported the abuse. A total of 48 men came forward claiming they were sexually abused while at Marylands. Most of the cases date back to the 1970s.