The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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This page last updated March 19 2005

         Cartoon, Garrick Tremain, June 25, 2003

2003-0630 - The Press - Goff must thoroughly read Ellis case book
Letter to the Editor by Richard Christie - It's obvious to most, but not Goff, that one cannot appreciate the majesty of a Velazquez canvas by viewing it through a rolled up newspaper. Goff is wrong to claim that the case has been fully examined. Confidence in the judicial system is now as much of an issue in this case as is the guilt or otherwise of Mr Ellis

2003-0630 - The Press - Male teachers fear contact with young children - research       
Men are avoiding teaching in primary schools because they fear contact with children exposes them to allegations of sexual abuse, according to new research. Men make up only 13.6 per cent of classroom teachers in primary schools. Educators say more are needed to combat boys' under-achievement, and have called for targeted scholarships to boost their numbers. But Christchurch College of Education research shows scholarships may not be enough to override men's anxiety about physical contact with children - and thereby suspicion of sexual abuse

2003-0629 - Sunday Star Times - Who Said What
Quotes from Lynley Hood and Phil Goff

2003-0629 - Sunday Star Times - Minister must act now on Ellis case       
by Frank Haden - The nationwide demand for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the shonky conviction of Peter Ellis now looks as if it will be satisfied by pressure from within the government caucus. Many government MPs, restrained only by the party whip from signing the petition of prominent New Zealanders seeking a Royal Commission presented to parliament on Tuesday, are increasingly restive. Prime Minister Helen Clark is understood to be uneasy about the continued refusal of Justice Minister Phil Goff to ignore the bad advice he is getting from the top levels of his ministry

2003-0628 - Otago Daily Times - Former creche girl signs Ellis petition
NZPA - " At first, my parents thought they would stay out of it. But they [social workers] phoned quite a few times and then my parents thought maybe they should have a look into it. "I think they sent someone around one day to note my behavioural patterns. "When they came to observe my behaviour I think I argued the entire time with my little sister . . . Then they left and got back in contact with my parents and said clearly there is some abuse

2003-0628 - The Press - Being Peter
by Matt Conway - As pressure builds around the Christchurch Civic Creche case, Peter Ellis refuses to be cowed by his child-abuse convictions, or life generally. In his most candid interview since leaving prison, he talks to Matt Conway.

2003-0628 - The Press - Ellis petition with Select Committee
by Jan McCarthy - The fate of the petition calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry on the Peter Ellis case rests with Parliament's justice and electoral select committee. The 140-name petition was presented to Parliament on Tuesday and tabled at the select committee's Wednesday meeting. Committee chairman Christchurch Central MP Tim Barnett said the petition had been received by the committee and the Ministry of Justice and petitioners had been asked to provide a briefing. He expected this would take a month.

2003-0628 - The Press - Complainant seeks inquiry into Ellis case
By Dave Courtney - One of the original complainants in the Christchurch Civic Child Care Centre case is among those to sign a petition calling for a Commission of Inquiry into Peter Ellis' convictions. The complainant, who testified at depositions but not at Ellis' trial, says she first began to doubt Ellis' guilt when she was 13 years old. Now aged 18, she wants answers as to what actually happened at the creche during her pre-school years.

2003-0628 - NZ Herald - Goff right to reject petition on Ellis
Editorial – A book, no matter how well researched and compelling its conclusions, is ultimately one person's version of events. A criminal trial is a different kind of inquiry. With her book, A City Possessed, Lynley Hood has reflected a widespread view that Ellis may have been the victim of a cause. Nobody needs to have read the book to share an impression that social workers and police, in their determination to prosecute child abuse, sometimes seem too credulous where the claims of children are concerned. Their rule of thumb has seemed to be that children have no reason to make things up, and that if some of their stories seemed fanciful there had to be a trigger for the child's imagination. Once an investigator suspected abuse, no line of questioning of the child seemed too suggestive or prejudicial.

2003-0627 - NBR - Editorial: Ellis case needs resolution
No one named in the book (A City Possessed) (and there are many) have rebutted Ms Hood's case or sued her for defamation. Mr Goff's state of denial will not make the Ellis affair go away, any more than it did the Thomas case. In the end, a simple political decision is all that is needed.

2003-0627 - NBR - There's no joke in the funny side of government
by James Allan - How about all the incessant talk of justice and rights in every context you can imagine while Peter Ellis is left to rot because there's claimed to be no new evidence? Forget the fact that many people at both ends of the political spectrum (and I include myself here) think Ellis never did any of the things for which he had to go to prison. And forget the further reality that with a standard of proof in criminal trials of "proof beyond reasonable doubt" even more people think Ellis should never have been convicted. (If there's not a reasonable doubt about Ellis, there will never be a reasonable doubt.)

2003-0627 - Southland Times - Peter Ellis
Letter to the Editor by N Seear -
For Mark Peck to suggest that it is a political move on the part of normal, clear-thinking people to put their good names on a petition to Parliament, simply suggests to me that he is incapable of rationale

2003-0627 - Christchurch Star - Inquiry needed for closure
Editorial, Bob Cotton - The Christchurch Civic Creche case just will not go away. Nor should it if there was a flaw in the process by which Peter Ellis was convicted of sexually abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Creche in the early 1990s.

2003-0627 - Newstalk ZB - Calls trickle in for $100,000 reward
Calls trickle in - $100,000 reward for fresh information that might clear Peter Ellis's name in Christchurch Civic Creche case. The businessman behind a $100,000 reward for fresh information that might clear Peter Ellis's name says he has fielded more calls.

2003-0626 - The Press - Creche case - Letter to the Editor
by J. E. Wilson, Tai Tapu, (June 21) -  I have been following with increasing irritation the continuing support being afforded to Peter Ellis. I agree with Phil Goff (June 19), this matter needs to be put to rest after the many opportunities that have already been at Mr Ellis' disposal within the justice system to rectify any possible miscarriage of justice

2003-0626 - The Press - In a few words - Letter to the Editor
by Barbara Johnson (June 25) - What a great front page to the paper today headed "Ellis: case for an enquiry".

2003-0626 - Marlborough Express - Reasonable doubt
Editorial  - The question of reasonable doubt is present in the minds of many and it is time for Mr Goff to acknowledge that and ask the Governor-General to institute a royal commission of inquiry. He has nothing to lose except the respect - and votes - of a wide section of the community. Peter Ellis and the women staff involved have a lot to gain. After years of declaring their innocence, it might be proven that they are right and the justice system was yet again wrong.

2003-0626 - Nelson Mail - Ellis case needs final resolution
Editorial - Ellis is no longer on trial, but in a sense the justice system is. If New Zealanders are to continue to put their complete trust in it, they must also believe that it will eventually produce the right result, no matter how long it takes. Mr Goff does not need new evidence to order a royal commission of inquiry - that is a political decision, not a legal one. Arthur Allan Thomas got his; now it is the turn of Peter Ellis. The argument that it is time for everyone concerned to get on with their lives still holds, but perhaps a commission of inquiry is needed to allow that to happen.

2003-0626 - Southland Times - A Minister possessed
Editorial - As an idealistic and energetic Opposition MP in the 1990s, Mr Goff once called for a full inquiry into the Ellis case.  Now that he has the power to do something about it, where is the courage to match his earlier conviction? Public unease about the Ellis case will continue to haunt this Government and others in the future if it is not settled once and for all. Mr Goff can bring closure to this sordid chapter in New Zealand history and restore faith in the judiciary. He must order a royal commission of inquiry.

2003-0626 - Otago Daily Times - No takers, but early days yet: Colman
NZPA - Publisher Barry Colman's reward of $100,000 for new information leading to a royal commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis case has sparked much interest, but no takers after the first day yesterday

2003-0626 - Waikato Times - Support, but no claimants for Ellis reward
NZPA - Publisher Barry Colman's reward of $100,000 for new information leading to a royal commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis case has sparked much interest, but no takers after the first day yesterday. However, Mr Colman said anyone who had worked on the case and had subsequent doubts about the validity of Peter Ellis' conviction for sexual abuse would probably not call on the first day.

2003-0625 - Otago Daily Times - Goff's advice on Ellis case 'appalling'
NZPA - Justice Minister Phil Goff was being badly advised by his officials when arguing he would need new evidence to order a royal commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis case, author Lynley Hood said yesterday. Ms Hood told reporters the minister had the constitutional authority to instruct the Governor-General to establish a royal commission. "He could do it tomorrow. You don't need new evidence to establish a commission of inquiry. You don't need the permission of the judiciary. All you need is moral courage and political will," Ms Hood said.

2003-0625 - Christchurch Star - 'Glimmer' of hope for Ellis
by Donna Birkett - Christchurch woman Lesley Ellis sees a "little glimmer of hope" in a petition presented to Parliament yesterday by high powered support- ers calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into her son's case. Mrs Ellis told the Star yesterday she was finding it hard to get excited about the petition, having been down this track so many times. She added that Mr Ellis, who has maintained his innocence, felt much the same.

2003-0625 - The Press - The Press says
Editorial - What is required from Mr Goff is a tough-minded political decision. The petitioners raise grave doubts that strike at confidence in the justice system. In Opposition he once supported a full inquiry. Life in Government, surrounded by cautious civil servants, is different. Mr Goff should follow his earlier judgment and call for a royal commission now.

2003-0625 - The Press - Ellis: case for an inquiry
"We the undersigned petition the House of Representatives to urge the Government to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry ..." --- Quotations from signatories

2003-0625 - The Press - The Peter Ellis case: in support of a Royal Commission
The petition calling for a Royal Commission on the Peter Ellis case has been signed by 140 people. They are:  (Names and occupations of the 140 prominent New Zealanders who have signed are included)

2003-0625 - One News - Calls start after Ellis reward offered
An Auckland businessman offering a reward in the Peter Ellis case says he has already had half a dozen calls. NBR Publisher Barry Colman is offering $100,000 to anyone who gives fresh evidence which leads to a Commission of Inquiry into Peter Ellis' convictions. Ellis spent seven years behind bars after being found guilty of abusing children at a Christchurch creche. He has always maintained his innocence and says he is moved Colman is putting so much money into the campaign to prove it.

2003-0625 - Evening Standard - Ellis support pledged
Businessman Barry Colman last night pledged a $100,000 reward to anyone coming forward with information leading to a Royal Commission of Inquiry in the Peter Ellis case

2003-0625 - National Business Review - $100,000 reward offered for new information       
The publisher of The National Business Review, Barry Colman, has announced that he is offering a $100,000 reward for substantial new information in the Peter Ellis case. The reward addresses Justice Minister Phil Goff's contention that without new evidence he is unwilling to order a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the case, widely considered in New Zealand to be an egregious miscarriage of justice.

Mr Colman says the case -- including much of the evidence -- was "disastrously biased" against Mr Ellis. "Some of the material [presented by the children] is quite preposterous," Mr Colman said in a radio interview today. He believes that had the jury been told of all the allegations against Mr Ellis, which included fantastical adventures and bizarre happenings that were clearly the product of imagination, the jury would not have found him guilty. Instead, Mr Colman says, the jury was presented only with those bits of evidence that appeared plausible

2003-0625 - Marlborough Express - Ellis case won't get more men in kindy teaching
by Anna McIntyre - Society's perception of the early childhood education sector as "women's work" is unlikely to change if a conviction against Peter Ellis is overturned, a kindergarten representative says. Marlborough woman Sally Kennedy, who sits on the New Zealand Kindergarten Association's national executive, said there had never been many male kindergarten teachers because of the sector's "low, perceived status". Mrs Kennedy said the Christchurch Civic Creche child abuse case which sentenced Peter Ellis to 10 years jail in 1993 had not helped with the recruitment of male teachers to early childhood education.

2003-0625 - NZ Herald - Ellis supporters need new evidence says Goff
by Kevin Taylor - A petition signed by prominent politicians, academics, lawyers and a retired judge, seeking a royal commission into the Peter Ellis case, has failed to sway Justice Minister Phil Goff. The 807-signature petition was presented to Parliament yesterday, but Mr Goff had earlier dismissed the call for a royal commission into the conviction of the former Christchurch Civic Creche worker on child abuse charges.
(List of 140 prominent New Zealanders who have signed petition are enclosed)

2003-0625 - The Press - Retired judge holds 'serious misgivings'
by David McLoughlin - Retired High Court judge Laurie Greig says he has serious misgivings about the Christchurch Civic Creche child abuse case and says a full commission of inquiry is needed to answer the many questions raised about the prosecution

2003-0625 - Southland Times - Ellis petition presented
by David McLoughlin - The former Justice Greig, who retired from the Bench in 1996, is one of the 140 lawyers, politicians and other public figures to sign a petition seeking a royal commission into the case, which saw creche worker Peter Ellis sentenced to 10 years' jail in 1993.

2003-0625 - Dominion Post - Judge calls for new look at Ellis case
by David McLoughlin -  Justice Greig, who was on the bench at the time of Ellis' trial and first unsuccessful appeal, said yesterday that he had not followed the case closely at the time but became concerned after reading Dunedin author Lynley Hood's book about it, A City Possessed.

2003-0625 - Daily News - Ellis petitioners call for courage
by David McLoughlin - Justice Greig, who was on the bench at the time of Ellis' trial and first unsuccessful appeal, said yesterday he had not followed the case closely at the time but became concerned after reading Dunedin author Lynley Hood's book on it, A City Possessed. "When I read that book I felt it required a sober investigation, a separate new look by a commission of inquiry," he said. "Even if it comes out that (Ellis) was indeed guilty, that would be a worthwhile outcome too, as long as it resolved all the doubts."

2003-0625 - Otago Daily Times - $100,000 offer for story forcing Ellis inquiry
by Jane Smith - Businessman Barry Colman last night pledged a $100,000 reward to anyone who provided information leading to a royal commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis case. "It's for anyone courageous enough to recant or to confess that the evidence was so selective and biased that the jury had no choice but to find him guilty," he said last night. Despite a petition signed by 140 notable people, Justice Minister Phil Goff was still refusing to launch an inquiry unless new information was presented.

2003-0625 - Newstalk ZB - Publisher offers money for Ellis information 
Campaign to clear the name of Peter Ellis gathers momentum as NBR publishers offers money for new information. he campaign to clear Peter Ellis' name has taken a new twist. The publisher of the National Business Review is prepared to stump up with $100,000 as a reward for new information in the case.

2003-0624 - Dominion Post - No Published Headline
Peter Ellis, still fighting to clear his name 10 years after being convicted of child abuse, refuses to use the Internet or get a computer, worried he will innocently click on a porn site and land himself in further bother

2003-0624 - Waikato Times - Ellis remains hopeful
The man found guilty of abusing children at Christchurch Civic Creche hopes a petition to be presented to Parliament today will see his conviction reviewed.

2003-0624 - One News - Petition calls for Ellis inquiry
Calls for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the case of former Christchurch Civic Creche worker Peter Ellis are gathering momentum in Parliament.

2003-0624 - One News - Ellis petition fails to move Minister     
The Justice Minister says he remains opposed to a further inquiry into the case of former creche worker Peter Ellis despite a new petition presented to Parliament. The petition contains the signatures of dozens of high-profile New Zealanders, among others, who want a Royal Commission into Ellis's 1993 convictions for child sex offences. National List MP Don Brash is one of those behind the petition and says it has a clear intention. " investigate this case fully and hopefully to end for all time, what appears to have been a very serious miscarriage of justice."

2003-0624 - Stuff (Updated Report 5pm) - Goff being badly advised - Ellis campaigner
NZPA - Justice Minister Phil Goff was being badly advised by his officials when arguing he would need new evidence to order a royal commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis case, author Lynley Hood said today. Hood told reporters the minister had the constitutional authority to instruct the governor-general to establish a royal commission. "He could do it tomorrow. You don't need new evidence to establish a commission of inquiry. You don't need the permission of the judiciary. All you need is moral courage and political will," Hood said. "He claims to have an open mind but, you know, I sometimes wonder if it's so open his brain's fallen out.

2003-0624 - Stuff (1:40pm) - Petition for Ellis inquiry presented
NZPA - The organisers of a petition calling for a royal commission of inquiry into Peter Ellis' conviction in the Christchurch Civic Creche child abuse case hope the justice minister will order a new investigation.

2003-0624 - NZ Herald - Brash hopeful of success with A-list Ellis petition
Dr Brash said the petition had enjoyed "quite unexpected support". Among those reported to have signed are former prime ministers David Lange and Mike Moore, Queen's Counsel Nigel Hampton and Stuart Grieve, law professors John Burrows, John Prebble and Mark Henaghan, writers Keri Hulme, Maurice Gee and Witi Ihimaera and Dunedin Mayor Sukhi Turner

2003-0624 - Stuff - High-profile Ellis petition to be presented today
NZPA - National MP Don Brash is hopeful the signatures of 140 high-profile New Zealanders will convince the Government to review Peter Ellis' conviction in the Christchurch Civic Creche child abuse case. The petition calling for a royal commission of inquiry was started by National MPs Katherine Rich and Dr Brash

2003-0624 - Newstalk ZB - Goff cool on Ellis petition 
Justice Minister says he will accept latest Peter Ellis petition but hints it probably won't make much difference. Justice Minister Phil Goff believes calls for a Royal Commission of inquiry into the Peter Ellis case are misguided

2003-0624 - Newstalk ZB - National says petition is serious 
National party says petition demanding inquiry into the conviction of Peter Ellis is not a publicity stunt and has high-level support. The National Party claims its Peter Ellis petition has nothing to do with politics.

2003-0623 - Dominion Post - Ex-judge joins call for Civic Creche abuse probe
by David McLoughlin - A retired High Court judge is among the latest public figures to back a petition calling for a royal commission into the Christchurch Civic Creche child abuse case. National Party MPs Katherine Rich and Don Brash will present the petition to Parliament tomorrow after a ceremony attended by many of the women creche workers who lost their jobs or were arrested during the abuse controversy. Creche worker Peter Ellis was found guilty in 1993 of abusing children and sentenced to 10 years' jail

2003-0623 - The Press - Ex-judge backs new Ellis probe
by David McLoughlin - A retired High Court judge is among the latest public figures to back a petition

2003-0623 - Timaru Herald - Judge backing creche petition
A retired High Court judge is among the latest public figures to back a petition

2003-0623 - Daily News - Retired High Court judge backs petition
by David McLoughlin - A retired High Court judge is among the latest public figures to back a petition….

2003-0621 - The Press - Inquiry sought
It is easy to forget that many lives were turned upside down by the Christchurch Civic Creche case. Sometimes, Gaye Davidson feels like one of the forgotten victims of the Christchurch Civic Creche case, but she herself can never have the luxury of forgetting. For about 12 years now, the former creche supervisor has been haunted by her experience in the bizarre and troubling case centred on the city council-owned creche in Cranmer Square, where in 1992 far-reaching claims emerged that children had been sexually abused by staff and other adults. ........

Today, The Press features the comments of a small sample of the petition signatories, along with the views of Davidson and Keys. The collective message is clear: the creche case has created too much public unease to die away quietly.
Grahame Sydney, Otago artist:    "I felt compelled to sign because I think it's a continuing travesty of justice
John Prebble, Professor of law:    “"I read Lynley Hood's book  ...... It showed that the verdicts weren't safe.
Michael Bassett, Former Labour Cabinet minister:    “there's far too much doubt surrounding the whole thing
Stuart Grieve, QC,    "serious issues about the reliability, objectivity, and general cogency of the whole inquiry”
Barry Colman, NBR publisher:    “I think there's a really huge disquiet among New Zealanders everywhere
Sukhi Turner, Mayor of Dunedin:    “I think the case that Lynley Hood has made is very compelling”

2003-0619 - The Press - Ellis list 'sure to pass 100'
by Geoff Collett - An unprecedented display of high-level unease about the Christchurch civic creche case is building. Organisers of a petition seeking a fresh inquiry into the case expect to easily surpass their target of getting 100 prominent and esteemed New Zealanders to sign the petition by their deadline of Tuesday, and have also succumbed to wider demand from others wanting to add their names to the latest call for a royal commission investigation. Mounting support for the cause has not yet moved Justice Minister Phil Goff, who opposes such an inquiry

2003-0619 - Stuff - Reject the blood money, change the law
by Pat Booth -
While the Minister of Justice Phil Goff weighs up the real public anguish over the Ding Yan Zhao disaster, and apparently finds strange difficulty in seeing the problems over the Peter Ellis case, he should also look at the home detention system, well-intentioned and all as it might be.

2003-0618 - The Press - Male teachers
by Aysha Mardle - Understandable is the fear that men have with regards to teaching young children. One only has to look at the gross miscarriage of justice in the Peter Ellis case to understand why men shy away from this vocation

2003-0618 - The Press - Call for Royal Commission inquiry supported
by Gaye Davidson - I am writing in response to the call for a Royal Commission of inquiry for the Civic Child Care Centre and to support the call by Lynley Hood for justice for all those involved in the case who were unjustly treated by the investigation and the justice system.

2003-0617 - Manawatu Evening Standard - Local QC signs petition for inquiry into Ellis case
by John Myers - Three days from deadline on the petition for a royal commission of inquiry on the Peter Ellis case, National Party list MP Katherine Rich says the petition has far more than the 100 "prominent" signatories hoped for. And one of them is Palmerston North criminal lawyer Mike Behrens, QC. "I signed the petition at the request of (author) Lynley Hood," Mr Behrens said yesterday. "I believe the conviction is unsafe."

2003-0617 - Southland Times - MP slams Peter Ellis petition
by Stu Oldham - A petition to force a high level inquiry into the conviction of Peter Ellis is blatant politicking from a party desperate to consolidate its place in Parliament, Invercargill MP Mark Peck said yesterday.

2003-0615 - Sunday Star Times - Petition popular    
"Ordinary Kiwis" are lining up to sign the petition of 100 top New Zealanders seeking a royal commission into the Peter Ellis case

2003-0615 - Sunday Star Times - Creche case    
by Ian Hood - The good news is that a number of prominent people remain determined to have the preposterous Peter Ellis witch-hunt dragged out into the light and the people responsible for it identified.

2003-0614 - The Press - Beyer backs Ellis inquiry petition 
by Martin Van Beynen --  Labour MP Georgina Beyer has broken ranks with her Labour colleagues to sign a petition to force a high-level inquiry into the conviction of Peter Ellis. National MPs Don Brash and Katherine Rich aim to collect 100 illustrious New Zealand names for a petition to Parliament seeking a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the case. Dunedin author Lynley Hood, whose book A City Possessed highlighted flaws in the case against Ellis, said there was no shortage of important people lining up to sign the petition.

2003-0612 - Daily News - Ellis case too messy to sweep under the carpet
Editorial -
As much as the Government and the judiciary might wish it, the Ellis case is not going to go away.  It never was, even before a couple of the National Party's more energetic MPs, Katherine Rich and Don Brash, adopted the cause no doubt for all the usual reasons that motivate politicians, but perhaps also because they realise that such widespread public disquiet can be a corrosive element in a country's relationship with its police and courts. ................... It is time to accept that no justice system is infallible, and the Ellis case simply too messy to sweep under the carpet.

2003-0612 - The Press - Ellis case has become a party political issue
Letter to the Editor by BH Howard --
We who have long maintained the innocence of Peter Ellis are pleased this issue has not gone away, and we welcome the initiative of the group of eminent persons

2003-0612 - The Press - Heed this petition
Editorial --
The problem is that the Ellis case will not go away. It is conventional to suggest that Christchurch was gripped by a witch-hunt at the time, but that is not entirely true. Although some crucially important people involved in it were driven by heated emotions, profound doubts about the case emerged among cooler heads at the outset. Those doubts have deepened as more people have read the witness statements and considered the evidence recited in Lynley Hood's book. The statements of the child witnesses – all of whom were young at the time of the trial and some very young at the time of the alleged offences – appear confused, self-contradictory, and unreliable. A thorough re-examination of all that evidence is necessary to lay those doubts to rest

2003-0611 - Don Brash - Peter Ellis Petition
For the past few weeks, I have been gathering signatures for a petition urging the Government to appoint a Royal Commission of Inquiry, presided over by a judge or judges from outside New Zealand, to look into all aspects of Peter Ellis's conviction in the early nineties. ....... It's a serious matter when a guilty person goes free. It's at least as serious when an innocent person is convicted of a crime. Peter Ellis may be guilty or innocent, but there are too many questions unanswered to let the matter rest..

2003-0611 - Waikato Times - Goff remains firm
NZPA -- 
No new evidence has emerged to justify reconsideration of the Peter Ellis case, Justice Minister Phil Goff said yesterday

2003-0611 - Waikato Times - Ellis case still smoulders
Editorial : 
The level of disquiet surrounding the Ellis case should cause Mr Goff to rethink. The issue has become far bigger than one man's possible wrongful conviction. It involves the safety of legal processes and the adequacy of current legislation. It is also about the rights of a citizen to a fair trial –- a fundamental principle in a democracy. Those aspects alone justify the time and expense of a royal commission.

2003-0611 - Stuff - Royal Commission of Inquiry    
Letter to the Editor by Alan Fort -- 
A Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Ellis case is long overdue. There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice

2003-0611 - Stuff - History will judge Goff  
Letter to the Editor by Peter Davies : 
There are two angles to why Lynley Hood's book is so convincing: firstly her thoroughness in researching Peter Ellis' trial and in documenting her findings, and secondly the deafening silence from those who (by implication) are variously accused of perjury (the child witnesses), incompetence (the police, the child abuse "experts", the entire legal system), and fraud (the 40 payouts of $10,000 for "abuse" that clearly never happened).

2003-0611 - Otago Daily Times - Petition dismissal result of 'bad advice'  
by Catherine Pattison and NZPA --  Justice Minister Phil Goff's dismissal of a petition asking for the Peter Ellis case to be reconsidered is the result of bad advice, says Dunedin writer Lynley Hood. Ms Hood, author of A City Possessed, based on the Christchurch City Creche child abuse case, was responding to Mr Goff's statement yesterday that no new evidence had emerged to warrant a review of Mr Ellis' case

2003-0611 - NZ Herald - Goff unswayed by petition for Ellis case commission  
NZPA -- 
Justice Minister Phil Goff says no new evidence has emerged to justify reconsideration of the Peter Ellis case.

2003-0610 - One News - Goff unmoved by Ellis petition    
The Justice Minister says a petition calling for a fresh inquiry into the Peter Ellis case will not convince him to take further action.

2003-0610 - The Press - Quotes    
by Geoff Collett - The Peter Ellis case has prompted more scrutiny, debate, and speculation than most in New Zealand's legal history. Yet 10 years after his convictions on sex abuse charges involving children at a Christchurch creche, the issue refuses to die.  It might be expected that the hundreds of thousands of words, three court hearings, four petitions seeking his pardon, and numerous other campaigns around the very strange case of Peter Ellis would have worn out most people's patience and interest in the case by now. Yet 10 years to the week since Ellis' conviction in a case which has attracted about as much debate, scrutiny, re-litigation, and speculation as any in this country's legal history, it seems the enthusiasm for his cause is not flagging, but attracting more impetus than ever.

2003-0610 - Dominion Post - Goff rebuffs Ellis petition      
Mr Goff rebuffed growing calls from prominent New Zealanders yesterday to order a royal commission of inquiry into Ellis' conviction for child abuse at Christchurch Civic Creche

2003-0610 - The Press - Goff spurns calls for Ellis probe
by Colin Espiner and Anna Claridge --  Justice Minister Phil Goff has challenged author Lynley Hood to present him with fresh evidence of a miscarriage of justice in the case of convicted sex offender Peter Ellis. Mr Goff yesterday rebuffed growing calls from prominent New Zealanders to order a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Ellis' conviction for child abuse at the Christchurch civic creche. A petition signed by former Labour prime ministers David Lange and Mike Moore, plus a number of lawyers, writers, and media people, has been circulating Parliament, attracting signatures across the political spectrum

2003-0609 - Parents against injustice - Letter to Mr Brash
A Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Ellis Case is long overdue. How ever the Ellis case itself is only part of the problem in this City. It represents the base of a triangle of injustice and corruption that goes back over two decades. The other two sides of this infamous triangle are the Ward 24 Case and the Glenelg Case. ....It is my belief that the issue of false sexual abuse allegation will become the biggest justice related scandal this Country has ever seen

2003-0609 - The Press - Ellis rapt at support for inquiry
by Jan McCarthy --  Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis was "absolutely astounded" to learn of the well-known New Zealanders who had lent their signature to a top level inquiry into his conviction. "I believe the Royal Commission of Inquiry has to come," he said last night after what he described as an "emotionally exhausting" day. "I feel like a piece of polished brass, having been patted and stroked all day."

            Follow up comment (humour):

2003-0609_Some are more equal than others
there's no record of how famous those who signed the Stuff poll are.

2003-0609 - Otago Daily Times - Ellis rapt at inquiry push  
NZPA --  Christchurch: Convicted paedophile Peter Ellis was "absolutely astounded" yesterday to learn of the well-known New Zealanders who had lent their signature to a top level inquiry into his conviction

2003-0609 - Newstalk ZB - Brash backs Ellis petition 
National MP Don Brash goes in to bat for convicted paedophile Peter Ellis and backs petition asking for Royal Commission. Human beings make mistakes. National MP Don Brash says that in itself is enough to warrant another review of Peter Ellis' conviction

2003-0608 - One News - Ellis' petition signed by elite
A new bid is being made to force a top-level inquiry into the conviction of Christchurch Civic Creche worker Peter Ellis. The signatures of 100 prominent New Zealanders, including former prime ministers, are being gathered seeking a royal commission of inquiry.

2003-0608 - Sunday Star Times - Big names back new Ellis petition
by Guyon Espiner --  The signatures of elite New Zealanders - including former prime ministers and distinguished artists and legal minds - are being gathered in a bid to force a top level inquiry into the conviction of Peter Ellis. The petition, sparked by Dunedin writer Lynley Hood's book A City Possessed, which questions the integrity of the Christchurch Civic Creche child abuse case, calls for a royal commission of inquiry - the highest government response possible. The Sunday Star-Times has also learned that Ellis' lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr is preparing a last-minute appeal to the Privy Council in London before links with the court are severed.  The petition aims to gather the signatures of around 100 prominent New Zealanders. Former prime ministers David Lange and Mike Moore have lent their names to the cause, as have a range of MPs from across the political spectrum

2003-0608 - Newstalk ZB - Big names on petition 
High-profile names support Peter Ellis petition calling for top level inquiry into his conviction. Some of the country's most high-profile people have lent their names to a petition in support of Peter Ellis. It calls for a top level inquiry into his conviction in the Christchurch civic creche case.